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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Bread, Butter and JAM!!!

Has it ever happened to you that suddenly you wonder if things are really what they seem. Does it feel like sometimes the entire world is looking at conning you into someplace you dont want to go? Do u wonder why things happen? Does it make you stop and think. Does it make you contemplate? Does it make you Laugh at the state the world is in?

Has it ever happened to you that, you wonder why certain things will never change, and certain things change all the time??

The most hilarious and paradoxical event happened to me on friday.
I was in a Traffic Jam!

Now ladies and gentlemen, this is no ordinary traffic jam. This is a traffic Jam, that teaches one that what in reality is, is actually not. Kinda Freudian, but different. This is a traffic jam that makes one wonder what the truth actually is!!

You will all agree that the modern phenomenon known as the "Traffic Jam" is definetely one of the biggest avenues for wastage of of human talent, skill, time, energy, and patience, not to mention the copious amounts of petroleum gasoline, motor oil, steering fluid, transmission fluid, brake fluid, etc.

It takes a lot to endure such scourge. Its a demanding job. Being part of a Traffic Jam! Demanding from the driver and especially demanding from the poor Vehicle.

The jam happened on the ever famous (not) Hosur Road! YUp. This jam was the Mother of all jams. I had finished an event in electronic city for Satyam and was headed back home (Frazer town) . The happiness of having a seemingly well-done Hosur Road was pretty short-lived. The magic of the 6 lane super highway between Bangalore and Hosur blended into nothingness. As I entered hosur road my not so sharp ears already started picking up loud honking and people shouting. I could see kilometers and kilometers of trucks and cars lined up, on their way back to bangalore. And I thought to myself.. Ah! there goes half an hour in a traffic jam. (usual bangalore standards).

Ive heard of nightmarish stories and exasperating tales of being stuck in traffic Jams on Hosur Road. I was thanking my stars and the good GOD above for not letting me be a "software engineer".

Anyways. I ventured boldly into where my car and me had never gone before. And guess what. I was stuck in this jam from 11.10 to 1.50. That is be the LONGest traffic JAM I've ever been in. I agree by standards of people who travel everday to electronic city this must have been a miniscule jam.

But here is what took cake, and made me think about the pride of Bangalore , the 6 lane superhighway. The jam happened 11.10pm to 1.50 am .

Yup. Feel Flummoxed. A traffic Jam in the dead of the night! With the stars above my head. I was stuck in a TRaffic Jam in the middle of the night! How unbelievable is that. The irony eh?

There were trucks and goods vehicles everywhere. Swarming all around like bees from an attacked beehive. Chaos and disorderliness prevailed. You couldn't also miss out on the many humps on the road that only helped in the most bizarre of traffic jams. Not to forget the reckless driving of those blessed truck drivers who think they are the kings at this time of the night. The innumerable unruly city riders and drivers. One carries on with raving and ranting, fretting and fuming, grimacing and grouching, whining and wailing, cribbing and complaning, but then, who's listening to you?? The irony eh?

And in between that the karnataka government is creating the 9 km flyover along Hosur Road leading to Electronic city. To begin in April 2005, this will take 30 months for completion. The 6 lane Super highway causes a jam in the middle of the night, wonder what Expressway is gonna do? The estimated cost of construction of the 9-km elevated super highway is Rs. 450 crores.
Wonder if Chaotic truck guys know that!!!! The irony eh?

I feel I am lucky to only have to travel Hosur road once in a while. I know my friends who work in Electronic City and they spend most of their day on this road. Also bangalore is also the only place you can ever see a traffic police constable controlling the traffic on a flyover bridge, or at a construction site. And expecting a traffic cop in the middle of the night is like expecting the impossible.

Thankfully I had my Caselogic to keep me company for the entire duration. I did manage to catch some sleep too. Only to be woken up by the rude honks from the truckers and tempo guys behind me. In retrospection I probably would have got home faster If I walked home.

Hosur road really set me thinking about where the our city and the civilised world in general is going to. All this infrastructure, civilisation, superhighways, expressways, and Im still stuck in a traffic jam at 1pm in the night!!!!!

Life is after all a bittersweet symphony isnt it?

Bangalore - Garden city? Pcity? City with beautiful women? IT City?? Naaaah!!!
Bangalore is defenitely the Traffic Jam capital of India.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Pilgrimage to a Paradise called Palolem

Yup I did it again. Travelled on impulse. Even though its been due for more than 6 months now, it really was a last minute decision. Ive promised myself after this trip that no matter what Im doing "Goa" at least 2 times in a year.
In 2002, 2003, 2004 , I managed to clock an average of 4 times a year. In 2005, I went only Once. I did make up for it by heading to thailand and egypt! But Goa is Goa. There's no arguing with that.

Over the years so many things have changed about Goa. For one, everyone seems to be going there. The combination of the "sosegãdo" or laid back lifestyle, the amazingly bracing weather and Goa's carnival-like nightlife has lured many people to it off late.

Gone are the days when baga and calangute (north goa for the uninitiated) was travellers paradise. Now its more like a fishmarket. SO MANY PEOPLE. We even tried the staying at Harambol and Arpora moves, (Again north beaches), but no luck! North Goa just doesnt excite us anymore.

We did stay in Baga for 2 nights. We did the whole flea market (Ingos' and mackies - Both in Arpora hill area). We went to this new night club called "on the rocks" where DJ gopu from bangalore spins now. We also did the whole paradiso, mambos, kamaki, titos circuit. Not so exciting. We also caught the sunset at harambol and did the humdrum Anjuna, dando, Aswem Circuit. Was nice. We also managed to catch some forts, and some churches.

While the north is where the action is, the south is where the relaxation is. South of Margao, are some of the most fantastic beaches in ASIA. Beaches like Arrosim, Colva, Betalbatim,Benaulim and of course the Picturesque Palolem.

Palolem is the ideal beach to feel the soft sand beneath your feet. This is where one realises that there is no place like a warm, inviting beach in Goa to make you feel at peace with the universe.

Palolem beach, situated in the Canacona distrct, is also known as "Paradise Beach". Until a few years back, it was among the virgin beaches of Goa. It is a fishing beach popular for its dolphin cruises and fishing trips.

We stayed in some coco huts (which u dont find in Baga). And did precisely "nothing for two days. We, ate, slept, watched the sunset, swam, played with puppies, and ate and slept! Thats it! :)

Ah! the pleasure of a holiday!
I urge everyone who reads this to catch the next bus/flight to goa. Now! Go ... Go... GO.... GO... Goa!!
U can always get back to work on Monday!?


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Make some noise, Some Blank Noise!

Make some noise, Some Blank Noise!

It was womans day yesterday! Isnt every day womans day? Doesnt the day belong to them as much as it belongs to men? Dont women take care of us men every single day. Dont they do the things men do, everyday. But it was womans day yesterday. 1 day in a year to celebrate yearlong acheivements. The irony eh?

This Blog is an ode to all the women I know. All the women who have influenced me and continue to change me everyday. Its these women who have made me the man I am today. Its these women who make me a better man each day! My mom, my grandma, my aunts, my school friends, my classmates, my ex girlfriends, my teachers, my neighbours daughters, my friends, my sisters, Ammu and my female listeners. A huge Thank you to each one of you! :)

This Blog is also my bit for the Blank Noise Project . A unique anti street harrassment project. They also have offline activities in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. Make sure you take a look, and see what you can do to spread the word. Do your bit to help women from all around!

My womans day went off pretty well. I went to sleep the previous night watching "Casanova". A story of women actually, (will blog that sometime soon) . I woke up with 2 women by my side..*grin* (now now dont get all excited, One was Ammu and the other mandy) . The first thing I did in the morning (before even brushing my teeth) was head to supermarket to buy the girls a pack of "monthly protection gear". What a way to start womans day eh? lol. The entire day was packed with women and things women need. A friend of mine did a radio show on radiocity with Jasmeen. Got me thinking on the true meaning of womens Day. To convince me of my opinions and fortify my thoughts, came a blessing in disguise! A womans day event. My night ended with a womans day fashion show event At I Bar, Bangalore.

Last night It finally hit me! At the pub, during the event, as semi naked men were walking on the ramp, I realised something! The ladies were whistling, hooting, screaming, burping and being completely outrageous. The things that men usually do. Once the male models started walking the ramp there was ample Clawing, pawing, grabbing, Commenting on Sizes, tightness and color, and glaring, and other ego-gnawing acts. There was a lot staring and letching. And lewd gesturing. Some women even went to the extent of pulling out the models clothes. (the models did seem to enjoy it though) Some women even went on to comment that a planet "without men" would be ideal. Another even went on to explain how she loved vibrators to men!! Another Said she'd like her "sausage".. without the "pig" sheesh!! the things a poor innocent compere has to go through!!
For one night, All the women thought like men! They even acted like men!

Just one night of male bashing, and adam teasing (if there's such a term), made every man in there feel really insecure. It made every man squirm. It made every man cover his private parts. Made every man wish he was somewhere else, probably safe at home. Im sure most men in there wished the earth would cave in and swallow them.

I empathise with women, who have to go through this every day!
I empathise with woman kind, who are taken for granted!
I empathise with girls of all ages who have to mind their tongue, clothes and bodies because us men will do what we do the best.. "Think Like a man!"

Street Harassment is a common phenomenon. All of us know at least 1 girl who has been troubled/letched at or felt up/grabbed by a complete stranger at some point of her life. And mind you, these are only smaller issues. The bigger ones usually go unspoken for. After hundreds of arguments and multiple fights against men who indulge in street harassment, one wonders if there's any point to standing up for it at all!

And then it dawns on you! What is happening is a world wide phenomenon. And unless someone stands up for it, correction, unless everyone stands up for it, things WONT change!!!

There can be a million questions!!! Will men always be men? Or will they change? Women will always be oppressed? Or will that change? Only Time will give an answer to that. But all of us can work our way to the answer we want.

I urge every woman who reads this to get Angry. Get angry for your own sake. Anger creates fury. Fury creates fear!! I urge every woman to get infuriated! Indulge in wrath!! I urge you To NOT lay low!

But its important to get out that anger in the right way. Its important to channelise it. Start using Pepper spray, learn the Three point technique (Eyes, Solar plexus, groin) , start educating the men you know, Talk to other women about things that trouble you, about men who harrass Start voicing your opinion. Start to Make some noise. Some blank noise.

Im proud to be part of the

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Underdogs.

Many People have started asking me questions about the radio station that I work for. Its a little difficult to understand how All India Radio operates, But I'm going to try my best to explain it in the next few lines.

All India Radio Bangalore's FM Channel beaming out on 101.3Khz on the Fm Bandwidth has a Listenership of 11 million. They have a 11KW Transmitter which beams out to a Coverage Area of 11,300 Sq.KM. The Percentage Listener Population among Radio Set Owners is 89%.

I currently work as a Radio Jockey for All India Radio, Bangalore, and host Western and Hindi repertoire on the FM Rainbow station. I have been with the Fm station since their launch in September 2001 (Hosted their first show). I have more than 12,000 hours of presentation to my credit. (From Sept 2001 when FM-Rainbow was launched in Bangalore to date). Im also their senior most jock. *ahem*
I produced, marketed and hosted a 16 episode Retro Genre special called “Retrojam”.
I also presented A.I.R’s only western Music “Phone-in” Programme on the MW frequency, for about 18 months. (Before the launch of FM)
I handle production assignments with A.I.R on a freelance basis.

Thanx to this station I have developed skills in Radio Jockeying, Scripting, Production/Design and Packaging of the shows, OAP’s/Sleeves and Playlist & Content management.

My shows have included Genre based specials, celebrity guest appearances, contests, and request specials. (Live phone in, sms and email driven).
My celebrity interview list includes artists like Euphoria, Pundit Vishwamohan Bhatt, Tanya Zaetta from AXN, Parikrama, Strings, Shibani Kashyap, Bombay Rockers, MLTR, and many others.
The format of my shows has predominantly been “CHR”. (Contemporary Hit Radio)
I have developed a definitive loyal audience for myself on AIR. I love my listeners and would do anything to keep them happy and content. I play hits that they want. My request show "The goodie bag" is on everytime im on. I sqeeze in maximum listener names in the shortest period of time. And I play the hottest Hits.
Last Night I gave away 100 Passes to the strings concert this Sunday. Felt Elevating~ :)
Its been flattering getting appreciation bouquets from all my listeners. Thank you!

All India Radio is a government enterprise. Along with the strict rules comes along the hypocrisy, the red tapism and passing of the buck. Ive lasted with them 7 Years now. Seems like a task but its pretty simple if you dont involve yourself in the politics.

FM Rainbow is the channel which beams out on 101.3FM. RJ's like me are called "casual presenters". The transmission takes places in three segments, namely 6am-11am, 11am-5pm, 5pm-11am. I usually only host the evening slots. (Third Transmission)

We're not employees of this magnificant organisation because we're legally allowed only 10 transmissions in a month. Which means im legally allowed to RJ only 10 days a month!
This came about because some smart fella in Calcutta finished around 26 transmissions in a month and then went and filed a petition in the court for employee status. He lost the case!

Now you need to understand that being a government run station, All India radio operates completely differently from private stations (Like 91fm in Bangalore)
Firstly we're not full time employees. The plus point to that is that someone like me can come in whenever he wants and leave whenever he wants. I usually host the thursday shows. But if I have some other engagement on any thursday, I can get it switched,cancelled,postponed. No hassles.
Our transmission quality is decided by studio engineers who , if in a good mood, keep the gain optimised. Every word of ours is monitored. Social awareness and public responsibility is stressed on. (That I would see as a good thing). But then there are loopholes everywhere. I can say "wanking in the bathtub" and they wont know what im talking about, but I cant use the word "SEX". I cant play "sexy eyes" by whigfield, but ive heard jocks get away with Eminem swearing at his pubes! In a way AIR trains you to be careful of what your saying. Ive leart to avoid using brand names, and anything with a commercial value.
Unlike private radio stations, we still put cd's into the cd player (read outdated topex machines) and press the play button. We still have to play some ads through outdated CTR machines, and some jocks even play songs from LP's and DATS. We still have to manually cue our ads, and interloop our soundbeds.

But its fun. Like ive always said. If u can drive an ambassador car on ..say.. JC Road in Bangalore, You can drive any car anywhere in the world.
Its the same principle.

The rules that we adhere to, the log book entries which we write like school imposition, the silly reasons we get called to the programming department for, and the petty issues that crop up are all very disheartening and demotivating at times.
Also the fact that the average listener compares us to the Technology and Positioning driven private networks, keeps us alarmed at all times.

The Irony - .(du-uh read the blogspot title)
The oldest Radio Establishment in the country, being fast outwitted and outdone by newer lesser experianced players.
The misuse and abstinence of use of the Massive studio facilities in bangalore.
The lack of proper programming and positioning of the channel and the station itself.
An entire frequency (for which bidders are bidding crores of rupees) without any direction.

Sometimes one feels Sad. Sometimes grateful. Sometimes Dejected. Sometimes Elated.
Such a glorius enterprise. And a frequency which has some brand value. But the people running it have no clue what their doing. And someone like me , who in AIR's books is dispensible and "small fry" cant do Shit! The jocks have tried so many things over the years. Ive seen jocks come and jocks go. Some last a week, or less, and some months together. Most people see this as a stepping stone to a bigger template. Or as a part time hobby. Thats where AIR loses out!
With worlspace beaming out 40 channels of crystal clear music and with 6 new private players hitting the market and going on air in less than 3 months, I wonder whats going to happen to All India Radios - FM 101.3.

All India Radio has taught me a lot. And in the next few months when I have sold out to a private player, (for monetary and otherwise reasons), I will look back fondly at my days with the underdogs! :)

All India Radio - FM Rainbow. THree Cheers to you.
You are defenitely the "Buffalo Soldiers" of Radio!!
tune into Anjaan on 101.3fm every thursday between 6-7pm and 9-11pm hosting "The Buzz" and "The Goodie Bag"