Gandhiji's 3 monkeys are the reflection of HUmanity. Their main messsage being - See no Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil. This famous porcelain paperweight Mahatma Gandhi kept by his bedside, spoke volumes and volumes of how man should conduct himself.
They let neither unhappy word nor evil sight enter in or wander out. Every so often, the real world tries to storm its way past the monkeys. Then, by the simple action of slam shut, the din dies down the monkeys signal the all-clear for life to resume - Truthfully!
But today , the World that surrounds us is a pathetic excuse for the truth. Dont even get me started on topics like corruption, red tapism, corruption and media hype.
Besides all that there's a new evil thats hounding the young and old of our country alike.
Its called "Commercial Cricket".
With the risk of being shouted at, outcast and even hated by most, ive always been against this so called "True Indian"Game. And here's my share to the outburst!
Its slightly demeaning if you tell me that busy indians have nothing to do other than count balls and runs. Its even more untrue if you tell me that unless I like the game im not a true Indian. We all know how bias the media community in India is when it comes to cricket, other games are perpetually overshadowed.
One cannot understand why there is hulabullo over a game that 's no longer a gentleman's game.. or was it ever? Had it been a gentleman's game, we would have seen some sports man ship and not management by bookies. Had it been a gentleman's game, our players would resign rather than acting as victims of circumstances.
It is a game that has broken many homes created severe scuffles, domestic discord and distracted the young from concenterating on their exams and work. Its a game today that has changed the indian diaspora to such an extent that sometimes I wonder if we know our priorities!!
Its not gonna break up my home.. thats for sure. Cuz luckily neither me nor My love AMmu even like the game. We'd rather watch a really bad bollywood movie and be less tortured!! :)
Love for the game, and patriotism in the name of sport is fine by me, But when it converts to mania, mass hysteria and pshycopathic addiction thats when u know its time for an outcry!
And Today my happiness knows no bounds when I know that INDIA isnt goign to be in the world cup anymore! YAY! I am truly thrilled. Simply because now kids will do better in their exams, office goers will go to work on time and husbands will pay attention to their wives!!
Hooray to Gandhiji's MOnkeys - Hooray to Indian Cricket Team who lost the match and came back! Yay!