And this should happen exaclty 3 days after I post on Life and Death - Ironic?
Its not even 24 hours since the incident and the aftermath is already hitting us hard on the head. The death of the Kannada Mega superstar has sent a smoothly functioning city into haywire. It has aroused emotions and fuelled anger and wrath. Its understandable that a state so deep rooted in culture has such feelings for the demise of an old man, but should the passing on of a "Legend" lead to riots and road roka's?
The Local Daily's headline reads "Star passes on" And Alongside it says "Fury and Fire Grip City"
Im guessing that Kannada film activits and the general pro kannada movement and anti social elements are at play for these spurious incidents. Vandals are reported to have broken windsheilds and set ablaze to vehicles in many parts of the city. There also have been reports of stone pelting. Protestors had ensured that by 4pm all the shops all around town were closed.. in the name of mourning. Offices were asked to close. Theatres were forcibily stopped.
Thank god all schools and most colleges have study holidays going on now!

These incidents got me thinking.
What is the use of Vandalism? What do these people think their final outcome will be? Why should a city mourn? Who instigates such riots? Who controls such behaviour? The public. or a few who hold the masses by a leash and move them like pawns on a chess board.? Who operates the Remote Control? If anyone has answers for these questions please do tell me.
All of us remember the Rajkumar Kidnapping. And then the time he was admitted to the hospital. I guess the public should have been mentally prepared for what bangalore has seen is the last 24 hours!
Another intersting Irony to note is that , the same village , Singanallur , has given Karnataka its most famous, and its most notorious, citizen. Rajkumar, born Muthuraj, shares a birthplace with a certain Koose Muniswamy Gounder - more notorious as the sandalwood smuggler and brigand Veerappan.
But that defenitely is one of life's little ironies - for there could be nothing as disparate as the cop-killing, elephant-slaughtering Veerappan and Rajkumar, the matinee idol, an accomplished singer of both film tunes and bhajans and, by all accounts, an aesthete who has, in his advancing years, developed a marked penchant for religion. Incidentally, most of his devotional songs are in honour of Raghavendra Swami - who ranks among his followers the likes of Tamil film icon Rajnikanth, and classical singing doyen Bhimsen Joshi.
The Prayer
Oh doyen of Kannada film industry, Annavaru (elder brother), Mannina Maga (son of the soil) , Kannada Kanmani (Kannadas Darling) , Oh Matinee Idol, Role model to millions of Kannadigas, Sinagullur Puttaswamaiah Ganallur Muthuraj, aka, Dr. Rajkumar... The City mourns for you, The City Burns for you, The city weeps for you, The city Riots for you.
I plead with you. Wherever you are, please influence the minds of your fans and other and make sure they are spiritually at peace.
The Flipside
Frankly Dr.Rajkumar made no difference to my life, or the life of the people I am close to. Until Today.
The karnataka government has declared a holiday today. There will be no offices and schools. Most shops still remain closed for fear of vandalism.
Therefore we have a LONG weekend. My next work day would only be Monday! Yippee! I get to catch up on my sleep, my reading, my bloggin, my mails, my accounts, Spend some quality time with Ammu, and catch up on all that's been pending.
On a lighter note you do wonder why all the halla over the death of someone who was 77. I guess the classes will never understand the masses. And vice versa. I guess we do live in 2 different worlds, like the Ennoi and the Morlocks (from H.G.Well's time machine). Some friends I know are wishing the event happened when we were in college. So that we could cherish this holiday even more. The Irony?
Here's Something to Lighten up the moment. Im sure the ladies will like the way the tush-shake of the tight white pants. Something For you to Remember the Doyen oF Kannada Cinema By. May his Soul Rest in Peace.
one long weekend, is right. what with no television and no shops and well, basically- NOTHING. argh. so much for being a cosmopolitan city. it's a disgrace!
so, people want to mourn his death. sure, lets go burn a couple of buses and throw a bunch of stones at people. what a send-off, eh?
watching the images on the telly has made things seem so surreal because, this is all INSANE and it's impossible for MG Road to be that deserted at any point of time!!!
Mob Violence and arson breaks out in Bangalore. Buses, Vehicles, tyres burnt. Policemen Attacked. Funeral at 5pm, procession for Kanteerva Stadium started at 1.30pm.
@The Star.
Which is why Smart ol me and Ammu Picked up 4 DVD's to Watch Across the weekend! Hehe
"Frankly Dr.Rajkumar made no difference to my life, or the life of the people I am close to. Until Today."
I am not sure if you were in Bangalore when he was kidnapped, he made a difference in our lives then too
unfair. why does everyone else have the bright ideas and i have to languish all weekend with nothing but the static on television for company?
and this was sposed be my last week in India that I was to have spent in total debauchery. And now I am stuck at home in the jungle with no choice! And what on earth these guys protesting against anyway? The dude was 77 and old...its not like he was shot! Ok OK...i know that's being disrespectful. But i am cheesed off that my last week in India and a loooong wknd at that and I am forced to be a prisoner in my parents' home! Not nice.
and what makes all this worse is that he died of NATURAL CAUSES! i hate to imagine what would have happened if he were murdered. *shudders*
hmm- holidays...riots...sounds like the state karach is in. we couldnt enjoy the long weekends without feeling remorse though...and anger.
as for ure previous question about whether or not anyone wrote or did anythign about the blogger ban in pakistan.. chek this out
lets hope it ends soon.
Of Course I was in Bangalore At that time. But It wasnt as severe as what we saw over the last 2 days. There was commotion yes, but no mass hysteric vandalism!
Well, the mild use of your vast imagination would have given you a million things do. U dont seem the kinds to underate yourself! *hmm*
U actually seem the kinds who enjoys the static! *grin*
Come borrow my DVD's Anytime! :)
U poor thing you! sigh.
BUt im sure u were out last night (friday), and are headed out tonight. Bangalore is back to normal! Or is it?
I KNOww! the thought itself is not so pleasing. We've also thought aloud as to what will happen when people like Rajnikanth and Amitabh Bachan pass away .. god forbid sometime soon. The Entire country will go CRAZY!!!
Yeah! Thats the way to do it!
Hope everyone I know from Blogger is safe!
Todays daily in Bangalore has an article on "Ali Salim aka BEgum Nawazish Ali", and hows an youth icon! Sigh. Im sure there'r more important thing to report about from Karachi. The Irony?
I hate the media sometimes!
And sweetie. I dont think this is gonna end soon. This is just the beggining! The End of the world perhaps! sigh.
Nice song u picked there.he he he.
I saw all that happening right in front of my home. Saw car windows smashed, and shop owners being threatened with sticks Thankfully I rushed back home from college as soon as I heard the news cos all this started in just an hours time.It was a wonderful expression of grief i shud say
yes,it was one long day with violence in the air and disruption of all looked like a black day with people behaving worse than animals...more like rabid dogs,if I am allowed to put it that way!
Wow! What a window view! Man! Must have been some sight eh?
And more than the song, its the video you have to die for.
Sometimes U wonder if they love him so much because of his white pants and bad english! Sigh
My pleasure! :)
Woof Woof to that!
Youll Have to read thru my old blog. (try the "d-day" one for starters)
Man!! And I thot my comment came thru. :(
Dear Anjaan, you have been tagged. :)
From the look of what was shown on all TV channels across the globe,it looked like these people themselves wanted to be in the limelight of the camera crews by jumping all over and show casing the destruction cause by them even if it was for that brief moment.
"The death of the Kannada Mega superstar has sent a smoothly functioning city into haywire."
The functioning of Bangalore can be called many things.
Smooth, isn't one of them :P
-coughs at the whole Ammu conversation- shameless plugging anyone? :P
also, tut tut. be careful, i may just take you up on your offer! :)
Already been thru the tag story gurl! :)
@c'est la vie
Thats a possible Theory! Hmm. their 2 minutes to fame eh?
But then again, they're not seen as clearly as they want to be seen are they? the irony again?
well, compared to what happened after his death, life defenitely was SMOOTH!
Full on!
@The Star
Ur a perceptive lil gurl arent u! *grins*
And I have a DVD player too, And bean bags, And a popcorn maker. Drop by? Lol
wow. you're up early.
aren't all days in some way empty? :D
havent read dat post..looks too long for my eyes to comprehend rite now..coz im dead tired..been to anekkal n came bk..heard of such god forsaken places? abt connectin with blog buddies!!1..dat was exctly wat i was doing the last 2 what do i do about vips like u when i have no address or contact no or anythin..u dont epect me to call u?..hehe
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