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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Radio One Fm 94.3 - Masti Fataafat!

Phew! Has Life changed in the last 1 year OR WHAT!! After all change is the most inevitable constant isnt it?

Over the last 1 year there has been so many things that have changed in my life. Work and otherwise. Its been a while since I blogged, so ive always thought its ideal to blog when one has a new perspective to life... and a burden in his heart to share!

Ive Shifted Houses, Ive got my apprisals, Ive bought a new car, Ammu moved to Brazil, Mine and Ammu's marriage date has got tentatively fixed, Ive stopped partying (too much), I'm addicted to Skype, Ive travelled a lot, Ive become more spiritual, my roles at work have changed....

Yes, Im still With Radio One - Bangalore ... As Programming Manager. On May 15th this year I completed 1 year with this enterprise! That itself is no mean acheivement!!! (Especially for the wavering mind and lustful soul of a mad fella like me!!) So Congrats to Me! :)

After working in the private Radio Space for more than a year now, ive realised how government radio functions so differently! This last 14 months has taught me more about Radio than my 6 years with AIR.

The journey's been memorable and exciting and learning's been immense! Radio One has turned me from a Radio Baby to a Radio Teenager!! And hope im not as gawky as I think I am!

But This rule of Change that we were just peeping into obviously applies to Radio One too!
This is the age of fast food , fast money, fast cars and fast everything. Every research seems to indicate that radio is a ‘snacking’ medium, where the captive attention span of a listener on an average is only 20mins. To the ears of a click happy, remote wielding radio listener, the faster and smoother his listening experience is, the higher the chances of him staying tuned on. Stickiness today comes with a tag, and Radio one has its finger on what exactly ticks the listener.

Radio One prides itself on being the First station in the country to introduce a brand new format - the 20 minute Radio Experience. Today its all about "Quick Entertainment" Radio One invites its listeners to visit their Radio adda as a friend, to just hang around and get entertained for 20mins
Every 20mins Radio One has a DIFFERENT, innovative Segment
Backed with promotion, showcasing and production support, this new format promises to cater to all of the listeners’ needs.

If you are in Bangalore , Delhi, Mumbai you would be feeling the difference the minute you switch to this station! And it feels extremely proud to be part of this creative and path breaking revolutionary Radio Team!!!
Peep into the RadioOne website to know more about how Radio One is truly - Masti Fatafat

And thats exactly whats happend to my life too. Ive been given a New show. With the new format I guess it made sense to some people in the "boss" level to put me on air and pull in a different kind of listener (from what we already had)
So along with my Programming Manager responsibilities I'm Finally a daily On-Air Talent on a Private Network - Yippe!!

Tune into Radio One FM 94.3 - Mon to Sat - 9pm to Midnight And catch your share of RJ Anjaan!

9pm to Midnight - Monday to Thursday

Packed with Interviews and celebrity bytes and with segments like "I feel Good" and "What Nonsense", your weeknights no longer be the same! I even play agony uncle on air 11 to midnight and transform into Dr Anjaan. Tune in and Enjoy Fantastic Bollywood music and some Masti Fataafat!

9pm to Midnight - Weekends - Friday And Saturday

Transforming into DJ Desi King , I host a dance show called Bacardi Breezer Vivid Nights. I play the hottest DESI hits in the country and give you the most juicy Bollywood Humgama. This high voltage dance show includes conversation with DJ's, Celeb Singers, funny chats with ilmstars , a Club Buzz (update), Complimentary Passes to night Clubs, Anjaan's Party tips et al.
So Tune in to Bangalore Biggest Radio Party and Shake What yer Mamma Gave ya!

Ive also decided to blog at least once a month.. and so do tune and and tell me what you think. And even if you dont want to tell me what u think, thanx for Tuning in!!!!

********------------------ IMPORTANT----------------********
PS/ Disclaimer / Afternote / For your Information!!!
Prompted by the comments that my blog received from my previous post on Radio One - This is a disclaimer for everyone reading!!!
This BLOG is my private writing space for my personal diary entries. It is no way reflects the thoughts of Radio One nor is any official communication from the Company!!!!!!
********------------------ IMPORTANT----------------********


Anonymous said...

maravillohs.....welcome back and congrats to another feather in your cap :):)

Anonymous said...

great that you've decided to blog more regularly :D

Trevor Penn said...

Big time congratulations. It's heartening to see creativity and a fresh line of thought find an outlet no less than Radio One !!!

Creatively inclined yet starved souls like mine will always be envious. :)

I hope you make it big so i can claim to have a big shot blogger friend... :-)

Anu Russell said...

hey ya! nice to see you writing once again and you better keep your promise about blogging at least once a month.

btw...congrats for all the listed achievements during the time you have been absent form the blogworld!

Anonymous said...

It sounded almost like your TALKIN to me :)

What fun to see this phase unfurl for you my lovely!!

Muahs and more!

Keshi said...

u look so cute in that pic Anjaan! WOW u in radio n all cool!


KM said...

love the pic!
and how cool...
we have a RADIO ONE here in pakistan too...and its a sister company to the ad agency i work at.
owned by the same person.
and if you frequent often enough...bossette 1 and 2 are the CEO and GM respectively.
happy coincidence.
next time im inmumbai, ill tune into your show.

Stacey said...

Congrats on all your achievements!! Life is treating you well and you look very happy. My job has me so busy I haven't had a spare moment to update my blog. I have new pictures so I will be updating it really soon!

Ekta said...

hey wow!
And i have another friend who is a RJ on Radio mirchi and she keeps telling me what a crazy world it is!

Stacey said...

Just wanted to let you know... I've finally updated my site. :) I hope you are doing well.

quills said...

Hey!! :) Long time! And looks like you are having one major happening year. Great!

La vida Loca said...

u are back on air! Ammu moved! wedding kinda fixed!! no wonder you dont blog often :P

i hang like a star; said...

just to remind you, it's been two months. :)
you owe us two posts now.

hope all is well. xx

Jina said...

congrats..d strawberry wit cream still rmains..:(..n keep in touch..

Sense's Lenses said...

ah. so now All that non-stop nonsense has a permanent address... congratulations buddy- both on the personal and professional front. HOpe the offer for a stand- up comic still stsnds!

Anonymous said...

what happened... where have y vansihed...

Anonymous said...

I am writing to protest the Ghanta Singh episode belittling South Indians who dont know Hindi today. Shame on Radio City for airing such a zenophobic jingles!!!

Srinivas Rao and Thomas

Anonymous said...

Anjaan,Amrita and I used to know each other through a common friend that we share named Divya :) Ask name is Sushmitha and I used to work at ITPL...well anyways just wanted to check with you if you guys are online at all as in on the web?...I live in the US and I sooo miss hearing out to you guys....I was in B'lore for the last 2 months and I thoroughly enjoyed your station dude...please let me mail ID is

Anonymous said...

Anjaan..Radio ONE rocks and its my companion on the long drive back home from work and to work in the morning and I aint complaining..Thank god that you guys play HINDI tracks..YEAYYYYYYY

BTW I love Ghanta Singh and Chamrajpet Charles.....AWESOME

And I would like to tell Mr.Anon who has issues with Ghanta Singh....- The joke is not on the south indians but on MR Ghanta Singh himself....he is not belittling south indians or their lack of expertise over hindi..if you hear him speak to others, the humour is about taking a piss at someone and annoying him, calling him over the raise a few laughs....the poor unsuspecting person who receives Ghanta's phone might be a north indian as well...

Anon - Take a chill pill and relax...enjoy the fun....

Nidz said...

hey anjaan rem me??? nidhi.. shally's fren. we had once been out to zero G togehter. any ways... glad to knw tht u have a blog too .. was actually looking for ur pic on google and gt glued to this blog. hey i've apost on u. check it out

deluded said...

********------------------ IMPORTANT----------------********
PS/ Disclaimer / Afternote / For your Information!!!
Prompted by the comments that my blog received from my previous post on Radio One - This is a disclaimer for everyone reading!!!
This BLOG is my private writing space for my personal diary entries. It is no way reflects the thoughts of Radio One nor is any official communication from the Company!!!!!!

holy sh*t

you know that you've hit the limelight big time when you have to post this at the end of your blog post

they say that if you stick to a celebrity you end up famous

can I get famous if I post this comment here?

ego said...

Hey Anjaan,

The Twenty Minute format is a totally cool idea.

Since one doesn't get to listen to a lot of original interesting poetry these days, how about featuring it as a part of this new segment?

Anonymous said...

Oh god, the RJ's are so loud & jarring & irritatin..esplly sum channels like 92.7 ,93.etc ...

why cant they be subtle & true to themselves...i really luv RJ's on radioindigo...i think u suit well for indigo ...but i think u r the only pick among other FM channels...i have also seen u in sum parties in blore ,long back..

u shud write a blog on the art of RJ'ing ..

broca's area said...

radio one just rocks..its totally different and has many new additions compared to other stations...

and ur show is the best:)