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Friday, May 07, 2010


"We are held prisoners only by ourselves. Our own thoughts and actions are the jailers of our fate." - James Allen

I think James Allen had an epiphany as he penned that. Yesterday I had an epiphany!!! Something stirred inside me and has compelled me to write this!

Just to set the tone right Im NOT speaking for Kasab or any Other terrorist. What he did and what every terrorist and fanatic does and beleives in is despicable by any human standards. Its the filthiest low that humanity can go to. Im not supporting anything he did either, or endorsing any fantatical terrorist motives or intentions.

My heart goes out to the victims, survivors and their families and friends. I truly feel the pain they feel everytime I think of the tragedy that happened. I pray for your strength! But the lines I pen below are beyond the tragedy, beyond kasab and maybe beyond death. My thoughts are much simpler. My intention is to get your mind thinking, and to set your heart free and you can do this by asking yourself a simple question.

What does this statement mean? - "To err is human to forgive is divine"

Yesterday I had posted my opinions on twitter - with the hashtag #MercyForKasab and I realised that opinions arent taken lightly. What seemed to me as a platform for sharing my thoughts turned out to be a burning pot of viscous reactions! The heated discussion even had people who threatened me! I was asked to shift to pakistan, I was called a hypocrite, I was asked to shut up, I was almost ostracised.
Its a different thing to react and give your opinions and its a different thing to take this personally! Lol. But I guess there are all kinds!

Anyways Some people thought it was creepy, some thought I needed a brain transplant, and some thought I needed pity but most of the people who responded wanted to behead kasab in public. 'Chop to pieces' was a general consensus!

Yes its ironic, We're supposed to be a Benevolant nation!

I was Surprised and sad at the emotional responses that people had to the #Mercyforkasab thought! I was disheartened to know that im part of a Minority group that wished for non violent end for Kasab. I was saddened that Compassion, Love and Mercy hold no meaning anymore! I promised myself that I still Wont Lose Hope on Humanity and the goodness in the world!

Life changed for me because of Kasab. I have always believed in the inherent goodness in every human being. Ive held pride on the niceness of human kind. Ive also believed that circumstances and other forces might make on a terrorist or an evil doer, but in ones heart there always is some good left. There's always room for love.

So why was I shot down so much? Just because I proposed MERCY for Qasab! Isn't that what makes us Different From Him? Maybe life Imprisonment definitely. Will help him clear his head out. I know it takes strength to forgive. But if u stoop down to the level of the attack, ur no worse than the attacker itself.

Some called it gandhigiri - but Ive never really Gandhi's life or teachings to be influenced enough by it. But I believe that rudeness and anger breaks hearts, crushes minds, and kills the spirit. Kindness heals. Ive always tried to be kind to everyone, everytime. And no there is nothing called "too kind"

But the truth is - Yes, Kasab Killed people, but now by wanting to Kill him, one gets closer to becoming him!! Last evening on twitter I felt I was chatting with many Kasabs about the One Kasab!

Apart from not believing in capital punishment, I also think the entire Kasab situation is overhyped. The Real Culprits are still at large. Here are Some Questions Ive not got answers for. They are for u to mull over!!
  • Will the death penalty make a martyr of Kasab?
  • Could he be a crucial link or resource in future cases? Why not a rigorous life sentence?
  • Are we just finishing off his original job for him?
  • Will killing Kasab make our nations enemies happier or sadder?
  • Most people think we're doing this to send a message - Isnt Capturing him the BIGGEST message we can send across. And MERCY an even bigger message?
  • Do you think his Death will bring back any of the people who he killed? Or make them happier? Would they want you to kill him or forgive him?
  • He kills people – We kill Him – Whats the difference in our thinking? We’re both Killers?
  • We don’t have the power to give life – where do we get the power to take one?
Ok forget the philosophy - thing of this - India - the worlds next superpower. Dont u think we owe it to the country to exhibit ourselves as a civilized society. Less than a handful of countries still allow capital punishment. I believe the idea of Capital Punishment as a form of genocide
You might say its fair to kill a killer: then If this is so then are not the relatives of a killer are allowed take mortal revenge on those that put their family member to death?? Where does this end??? Does it at all?

Remember anger, hatred and revenge are negative spheres to operate from. Compassion love and empathy never really hurt anyone!

Maybe Kasab is in a better place by being killed afterall. with so many people sending him hate, anger and other negativity I wonder how he even sleeps at night. Im sure he had a cyanide pill ready for suicide when he was captured, and he really is beyond worrying about his death. He's in a "i dont care anymore" zone and our prattle doesnt really bother him. Maybe the death sentence is, in fact, #MercyForKasab! Solitary forever would actually be cruel!

To the "what would you do if it was your sister/wife/mother that was brutally murdered?" argument I would say this...

Of course I would be angry, upset, have a rage. Maybe I would want to strangle the person, or smash their face with a baseball bat. But then, that is what we have a system for. I would be prevented from doing that, prevented from adding onto a chain of violent actions and continuing the cycle of violence.
I would pray for strength and for solace. And I would wish for calmness and peace of mind to control my negative emotions.

I turn 30 in a couple of days. I take it upon myself as a mission to spread Love. To spread sunshine in every corner I touch. Thank you for reading this and I hope I managed to get you thinking. Hope I managed to give a mature, holistic understanding and simplified version of thoughts on issue as complex as Kasab! I Wish you an epiphany soon! I pray you have the strength to forgive!

I leave you with a quote from the most read Book in the world.
"Forgive them o Lord; for they know not what they do!"


Anonymous said...

Hello Anja !
I don't follow your blog regularly, but this post on Kasab caught my eye on facebook. I was curious to know what you thought. I am so proud of what you've written on this post and completely agree with what you have written. I've always thought violence should not be answered with violence. At the very least, we must not behave like barbarians screaming for blood. There is no sense to it and no end. If only people channeled their anger and frustration in the right direction, and stopped to think for a minute, the world would be a better place. Its good work you're doing, and I hope more people begin to think like you do.

My best wishes are always with you.


Anu Russell said...


What if the terrorist then hijack a plane or something and then demand the release of Kasab (assuming he is not put to death)? Will that be ok? For another 100 or so Indians to suffer so that Kasab could walk out freely? Do we want another Kandahar to happen?

I am all for letting him live and suffer because for him life will be the biggest punishment but why would I want to put my country and my countrymen at risk? Is it worth it?

xzcsdac said...

I can just say "WOW!!" I'm amazed. Still people exist with such thoughts. Wish everyone starts thinking like you and the whole world will undergo a dramatic change and we and our kids will have a very safe and beautiful world to live in.

Unknown said...

Hi Anjan,
i read through yuor blog & it was heart touching.u know i go to infant jesus church every thursday from the time i am in the begining i went with my room mate but now she got married & is settled in US,so i go alone after office.sometimes i do ask something from Jesus like a promotion or something which seems to be very important to me at that point of time.One day i was sitting in the church & sulking for something that happened at my work place when i saw a couple bringing a very small child who due to some genetic problem cannot walk on her own.i was looking at the child blankly & was thinking something else in my mind when this kid actually touched my face (she was in her mom's arm who was standing beside me) & when i looke she smiled at me it was such a warm & open smile that immediately touched my heart & though i was feeling very down i couldnt stop back smiling at her...she was so innocent & lovely & immaculate that i cldnt stop staring & smiling at her...but immediately after i was filled with a deep though of sadness that one day this child will grow up & how will she face the world with her physical will the world accept such a cute lil creation of GOD.that day i realised how blessed we normal people are & still we cribb for such small things like a simple promotion or a salary hike.there are people out there who doesnt have the minimum requirements to survive in life but still they live...terrorism is the end product & terrorists are people like u & me,who have family,who also love someone,only difference is they cannot prirotise things in they get misguided by wrong people...there may be several reasons for getting influenced like lack of education,poverty,unemployement,unhealthy living condition which force them to take a shortcut way of earning money which is worng...we should not kill terorist but kill terrorism....we should abolish the hatred within us...all of us,when we desire something & dont get it we get irritated & sometimes violent too...only difference here is our education,moral value,sence of decency,socio economic background ....all of this holds us back from reacting in a odd we...even if we are sheething with anger still we dont loose our rational sense because we have another part in us which educated & polished,which holds us back from hitting or killing someone even if we are highly agitated...but understand the background of the people who become terrorist...the master minds never come out in the filed and fight...they dont become human bombs themselves,they target less educated,less facilitated young generation people whom they can mould as per there wish....make them understand the wrong things,show them the darker side of the world & inculcate the feeling of haterd in them to such extent that they dont mind giving up their own lives also for their leaders...think of the person who trained KASAB...instead of showing him guns & bombs & filling him with hatred if he would have taught him to admire the beauty of KASHMIR would KASAB had been where he is lets try & find out the root cause of why people hate each other rather than punishing the people ,lets try & banish the inner haterd within ourselves....if everyone tries & succeeds to kill that devil which exists in all of us then there will be no hatred among each other & no terrorists... my sincere reqest to everyone who is reading this blog...if possible try to educate atleast one under priviliged child so that he/she has a rational thinking,a view of his/her own & does not get carried away by people who misuses them against each other in the name of terrorists...lets love everyone around us & make everyone feel that there presence is important to us & the world....we dont want to loose out on our fellow human beings by just tagging them as terrorist...Thank you...

Jini said...

Hi Anjaan. Stumbled across your blog while randomly surfing for interesting posts...and am glad I did :-) It seems like you have actually managed to pen down my thoughts word for word. had planned to write a post asking for mercy for kasab as well. Bitter arguements with family and friends regarding my viewpoint discouraged me from actually penning down my thoughts. I was disillusioned to think that nobody believed Kasab deserved mercy. Am so so so glad to read your views. agree totally! congratulations for a thought provoking and great piece of writing!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I was looking up the term "irony" for english class and stumbled upon your blog, and immediately fell in love! I know you wrote this a while ago, but i felt compelled to comment, as I had just been trying, and failing, to convince my friends of these exact points in school the other day, concerning the recent death of Bin Laden! I was shocked to find that every person I met and spoke to strongly and harshly disagreed to my very simple point that "a life is a life is a life. I don't care what he's done, who he's killed, a life is a life. By adding more violence, what seperates us from him? How does that solve anything!" I was also shocked to the point of horror at the extent of which my "fellow" Americans cheered and celebrated his death. There were parties in Washington D.C. Over the loud speaker at school they played the national anthem and we were forced to stand and stare respectfully at the flag. HOW DARE WE TREAT THE LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE AS IF WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO THROW IT AWAY?! Is life meaningless? Do we have any sense of decency at all? I will not deny that Bin Laden was a horrible man, who commited numerous atrocities. But at his birth he was not that way. At his birth, he was just like you or me. Just some thoughts that screamed to be known.