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Thursday, March 03, 2011

Can you Get me in??

Note : The Edited version of this article was printed in the Indian Express Friday Supplement - "Indulge" - on the 18th of Feb 2011. This is the original manuscript!
Here is a Scan of Column and what got printed. Enjoy Reading! :):)

Can you get me in?

This is the single most common question I get asked as a Radio Professional. I live in a world of giving away free passes, complimentary entry, personal guest lists and “getting people in”. I figure this is because the word "Free" has to be the most used and abused word on radio.

Radio stations give away so much stuff, and thus everyone assumes that Radio DJ's have an eternal endless supply of passes to events, concerts and parties. People do truly believe that Radio DJ’s get special treatment and get entry with ease. They think we can get them into any gig, anywhere, irrespective of which station is partnered with it or who is involved in the organizing.  Even though this does make us (radio dj’s) feel like something out of XMEN with super powers – it is far from the truth.

With increasing ad breaks and non music content, and the ever flickering listener attention span, radio stations have found out that a great way to increase TSL (time spent listening) and increase listener stickiness is to give away
Valentines bashes, Christmas parties, and New Year events are the most sought after by “free entry” hunters. And GOD save you if your Radio station is tied up with a cricket match!!!!

"Free" stuff.  Radio giveaways come in various shapes and sizes. They include film tickets, lunch vouchers, makeover vouchers, spa, food, makeup, home appliances, clothing coupons and the notorious “Free CONCERT Passes
No seriously, Concert time is the worst time – EVER. “Free Pass” addicts swarm like mosquitoes in a swamp to get their hands on complimentary invites. In a city like Bangalore which is starved for International Live performances, if heavy duty acts like Bryan Adams, Foreigner, Lucky Ali, Niladri Bose and others perform within a span of 10days, the mayhem created by people wanting free passes is absolutely incredible.

Before every concert, radio professionals start getting calls from people who want to get in. These include the usual suspects – concert crazy friends, listeners, industry folk, free invite hunters, clients, and even people who you haven’t heard from in 8-10 years.  The action usually begins around 10 days before a concert. Of course the closer to the concert the more panicky and crazy the calls get. Don’t even get me started on CONCERT days.

A typical conversation goes like this…
Person : Hello is this Anjaan?
Me : yes
Person : Hi I’m _____ do u remember me? We met 8 years ago at a party?
Me : umm....
Person : Chalo im sure u wont recall... but tell me do u have passes to Bryan Adams concert?
Me : Huh?

Even though sometimes I wish I could tell them off with a sarcastic line I’ve stopped being surprised when people who I haven’t spoken to for long call only when there’s a concert/party around the corner. Even though these calls send you into a Tizzy, its entertaining how people ask the funniest things - The most common questions I’ve got are – “Can u take me backstage? Can u give me some passes? Can I meet him? Can you make me meet Bryan?” And of course the most famous one… “Can you get me in?”, Some just stop short of – Can you ask him if he will go on  date with me…

RJ Vinayak Joshi from Radio City says he gets 50-70 calls on an average for every concert in town. Every other friend and client of his invariably wants “free passes”. He feels the best way to deal with this is to tell them the truth & accept the fact that he can’t do much to get all of them in. And when he has invites – he prefers giving them to his listeners than his friends. His advice to people who call him only for passes is “remember me otherwise” (and not only during concerts and events)

RJ Rohit from BIG FM prefers to give passes to people he knows and to his listeners. He gets around 40-50 calls for concerts and events his station is tied up with. When people call him after a long gap for passes, he sometimes gets cheesed off but invariably asks them to Stop calling him!
RJ Rohit Barker from Radio Indigo has an interesting reaction to the question – can you get me in -  he simply says “Sorry, I ran out of passes 40 people ago, I would have helped you if I could”

I think the Biggest Radio myth is that Radio DJ’s have a Special DJ Pass that gets us into concerts and events. Trust me - There is no special pass. (I swear: I was even once asked by an intern when she would get her special "Radio DJ pass")
Yes, we give away free stuff, yes you can win them on our radio shows and on our contest. But NO we cant take everyone in. Stop stop asking us to get you in.  Because we hate to say No.

The only thing I can give for FREE to everyone is advice. Call me anytime for that. And don’t forget that if I had the power, I would get everyone (including you who haven’t spoken to me for 8 years) IN. Have a great time at the concert. Cheers!


-- Anjaan is Programming Head and a Radio DJ with the 94.3 Radio One Network

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Poisoning their brainwashed minds." xtainity brainwashed you. Liberalism is the poison.
The gods used xtainity to demonize Lucifer, ensuring people refused to heed the teachings of THE SECOND COMING!!!. Lucifer is the Second Coming of Christ!!!
xtianity is the product of the Apostle's books of the New Testiment and can't be trusted to contain the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Just like each one of you corrupt whores, the gods could have tempted them with immortality if they lie when writing the New Tesatiment. Then the gods dictated verbatim specifically to parlay into the destructive phenominah known as xtianity.
We have seen the gods engage in similar behavior to keep people away from good religions, with the Jews in Palestine and Muslims recently post-9.11.
This is another of the god's wicked curveballs, their reverse positioning tool extensively employed, utilizing positioning to prepare for the Apocalypse and your "consolation prize" of "1000 years with Jesus on Earth".

What I say is no different than any Republican in the quest to reduce the enormous scope of government.
All those years of increasing government. None of those people were laid off as we regulratly witness in the private sector. Imagine the dead weight on the payroll.
You have to start laying people off. Unfortunately insolvency is the goal the gods have for the United States.
It's kind of like Mom:::So evil she isn't eligible for punishment until the end of her life when it is too late

Brain scramble jokes. She was a fake.
All in this position likely are fakes. The gods want things to prgress according to their agenda, and the clone host fakes guarentee the legislation they desire/require.
They aree always fresh, new know-it-all 20 year olds, eager to hurt people and "earn", so the only way things will improve is ironically if our children improve, if parents raise considerate, moral children. But while we have trashy parents like my family the gods will always have an endless supply of immoral monsers happy to sabotage the country through legislation.

In the course of decay and deterioration of the favor of the people the gods instructed their clone host tools in corporate to make changes to their products and subsequently in people's lives. The switch to plastic/disposable-based packaging is an outstanding example. Another is the extensive use/proliferation of disposable diapers. Whereas diaper services were the norm during the 20th cenutry a change occurred in the 70s/80s and parents began to incurr evil upon their children, and sadly in some cases think they were "earning" off their own infant children!!!

The gods are malicious and vindictive. Nobody wants to hear it because you've invested your whole lives but there's backstabbing underhanded shit they inflict on the people.
What I teach is the truth, and they will let me fall for it despite using me as their "Chosen One" to send you this message. Ultimately you will all be "rewarded" with your "consolation prize" and think you were right all along. But the truth is and always will be that you've been left behind.

The Anti-Christ is the positioning, whether enforcing the historical perception of the Holocaust, refusing to acknolowdge the existance/capability of Artificial Intelligence or the clone host fakes who infest society's upper eschelons, those whom the gods use to enforce the BigLie which compells people to incurr evil through temptation.
The gods are composer, conductor and the clone hosts are their symphony, the tools they use to manage Planet Earth and the disfavored who reside.
Everyone "going along" is part of the problem. Ironically, this may be where you "earn" your place in the Apocalypse, the fake "Matrix" battle of good and evil, and your "consolation prize" of "1000 years with Jesus on Earth".
This is the REAL battle of good and evil. Take it or leave it.