I was one of those first few Radio Dj's in India to start posting content a facebook page (Not profile, Page). This inevitably happened due to being the runners up for the "best job in the world" campaign by Tourism Queensland. Afterall I was the only finalist from India and subsequently announced "Tourism Ambassador to India" by Tourism Queensland and held that post for 2 years.
Anyways, I Digress
So this facebook page was my first outing into my world of social media communication and I touched the 10k mark within months of my debut. At that time I was also on orkut and twitter and eventually instagram, but my facebook page still was the one I posted most content on. I even shameless admit that I had found unique ways of monetizing my page wether it be FAM trips in exchange for content or free merchandise in exchange for likes. Social media had turned the way I thought about media and content dissemination. But I was soon to realise that there's nothing called a "free meal"
If you own a facebook page (or even follow one) and especially if you are a business owner, you must have noticed that over the last few months that your organic reach has considerably reduced. As a page owner you probably want everything you post shown to everyone. Facebook now filters feed in an attempt to show the most relevant posts to your page fans. And in case you want it to reach more people. You have to Pay up!!
Here's a nice article by Stream feed about how the organic reach of your page is reducing.
The justification that facebook has for this is But people only read a limited amount of News Feed per day. There simply isn’t room for everything, and the competition for feed space is intensifying. Also the total number of Pages liked by an average Facebook user grew more than 70% last year according to the head of facebook's news feed.
But I dont buy it. Facebook is a big company now has reduced to having the morals of most big corporations. Money over happiness and taking as much from the poor user as can be obtained in the short run. With this excuse of "de-cluttering" the users news feed, Facebook assumes that us users aren’t intelligent enough to unlike a Page we no longer wish to see posts from!
Robert Caruso the founder of BundlePost, has started a petition against facebook being the bully and forcing page owners to pay up for people to get their content. Ive always been an advocate for the underdogs and suddenly seems like page owners in the world of social media are being given the short end. He was tired of the way Facebook was bullying the little guys. If you are tired too - Here's the Petition. You can sign it too!
To: Facebook
Anyways, I Digress
So this facebook page was my first outing into my world of social media communication and I touched the 10k mark within months of my debut. At that time I was also on orkut and twitter and eventually instagram, but my facebook page still was the one I posted most content on. I even shameless admit that I had found unique ways of monetizing my page wether it be FAM trips in exchange for content or free merchandise in exchange for likes. Social media had turned the way I thought about media and content dissemination. But I was soon to realise that there's nothing called a "free meal"
If you own a facebook page (or even follow one) and especially if you are a business owner, you must have noticed that over the last few months that your organic reach has considerably reduced. As a page owner you probably want everything you post shown to everyone. Facebook now filters feed in an attempt to show the most relevant posts to your page fans. And in case you want it to reach more people. You have to Pay up!!
Here's a nice article by Stream feed about how the organic reach of your page is reducing.
The justification that facebook has for this is But people only read a limited amount of News Feed per day. There simply isn’t room for everything, and the competition for feed space is intensifying. Also the total number of Pages liked by an average Facebook user grew more than 70% last year according to the head of facebook's news feed.
But I dont buy it. Facebook is a big company now has reduced to having the morals of most big corporations. Money over happiness and taking as much from the poor user as can be obtained in the short run. With this excuse of "de-cluttering" the users news feed, Facebook assumes that us users aren’t intelligent enough to unlike a Page we no longer wish to see posts from!
Robert Caruso the founder of BundlePost, has started a petition against facebook being the bully and forcing page owners to pay up for people to get their content. Ive always been an advocate for the underdogs and suddenly seems like page owners in the world of social media are being given the short end. He was tired of the way Facebook was bullying the little guys. If you are tired too - Here's the Petition. You can sign it too!
To: Facebook
Stop the pay to play requirement for Facebook pages to reach their fans and allow users to see all the content from pages they like in their newsfeeds. Make it free. You owe us that much.
Footnote - Ive now become active on my Facebook group, seems to be a more viable option for sharing content and giving away prizes. Join in?
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