I must admit - 2016 has been pretty spectacular. It has in fact been special! This is truly the year I lost fear of scarcity - heck I lost all fear! Re-starting as an entrepreneur - and failing multiple times along the way - has made me a beacon of courage and made me valiantly daring. I wasn't afraid of much, but I can say I'm totally fearless now! 2016 has truly been the year that set me free!
Besides rediscovering the freedom of being self employed and Launching YogaTrippie, the only dedicated wellness and travel agency in the GCC, I also made some very cool business investments in the domains of E-Commerce and Virtual Reality. My small social media consultancy has also taken off and I even restarted My MC'ing (compering) in full swing. I have more clients for my Luxury Travel advice services too! 2017 will see me forge ahead as an investor and an Multi-preneur and venturing further into other domains too. :)
Sustained Relaxation
2016 was further exciting for me as I rediscovered my affiliation to everything spiritual, paranormal and psychic. Of course I am trained (and certified) in multiple disciplines of martial arts, healing arts and esoteric practices and aim to expand this part of my consciousness in the coming year.
This year, I discovered the true meaning of "being relaxed" and am applying this on a minute to minute basis to all my decisions in life. Of course it isn't easy and takes a lot of self awareness and environmental cognizance. I am able to practice this state further because of the Martial arts system that I train in. But by doing so, I am able to grasp the real truth behind things better, and have a deeper appreciation for everything. My role as a cosmic, sentient being is very clear to me and also I am confident of sharing this others. My understanding has increased and perception has been enhanced. Being in this constant state of being free from tension and anxiety is causing me to create "miracles" in my life and live extraordinarily.
Create your 2017 make it #1
My wish for you for 2017 is that you can discover the power of your mind and realise that you are the creator of your universe and the maker of your reality. In my opinion - who you really are is "non local awareness" (or conditioned awareness)- independent of space and time.
If you learn to quiet your mind and move your awareness into timeless awareness, you are likely to begin to experience things that will surprise you give you another view of reality. For example - if you look in the mirror in the morning, and think that who you see in that mirror is who you really are, then you are in for a lot of suffering.
You are that awareness, that allows you to move your experience, your consciousness and your perception anywhere in the world independent of space and time.
Numerologically, 2017 totals up to the Number 1 - giving you a chance to reclaim your control over your life.
Number ‘1’ is the number creation, of God, the great omnipotent spirit of life. The Yang. The number of consciousness, light, Genesis, ego. It is the beginning, from which all the other numbers are created. "1" can be divided into any number leaving it unaltered and so represents the Spirit / energy / prana which can enter all things without changing. It is immovable because whether multiplied or divided by itself one remains the same. This does not happen with any other number. It is the number of aim, ambition and action.
In 2017, my wish for you is to be able to Join me in this state of continual relaxation. equilibrium and Bliss. Move your awareness into conditioned awareness, then you can experience the universe as it is, and find a transcendent way to experience the world.
My invitation for you is to explore this consummate place of total relaxation and come share it with me. In 2017, may you surpass the ordinary and be exceptional.
Thank you for all the love this year!
More power to you next year. May it bring you everything you want.
I wish you a spectacular 2017!
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