Search Happy Hours

Friday, January 27, 2006

Romeo and Juliet by Sheikh Subair

Hey all Im back from the land where shakespear is not pronounced broberly. The Arabic Alphabet has only 26 letters and does not have the 'p' sound. So Blease dont mind, I will be bosting some more inbormation about the Arabs and their belly dancers in some time. Berfect bronounciation and barables of the beoble will be told!
But Meanwhile here's the spectacular Sphinx, the pyramids of Cheops and me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Show me the Mummy!!

Im going to egypt.

2 years ago I hosted an event called CIOl C- CHange 2004. A 3 day conference in goa with the Top CIO's of the country jamming up! (wha-ha terminology).

At that event there was an evening with the egyptian theme. One of the CIO Relax Sessions. The people were literally transported to the pyramids and the magic of egypt. We had makeshift pyramids, some very believable promoters dresses pharaos, mummy's , we had a cleoptara, some harem girls , fire breathers and even a A belly dancer. Your truly was wearing egyptian head gear and threw the arabic he knew at the audience with full gusto.

This was where your favourite Compere first got a small wish "chinna chinna asai" in his heart to head to egypt soon. Little did he know that a whole company was sharing his dream.

In 2006, Ciol C change will be held at Egypt, Cairo. I have been confirmed as the compere for the 3 days of the event.
This is where we're gonna be staying for the conference period (first 4 days)! Take a peek and burn!!

Im terribly excited about this gig, and am looking forward to going to the glorious capital of egypt, the triumphant city, the Jewel of the Orient, the City of the Thousand Minarets, and the Melting Pot of Ancient and Modern Egyptian Civilizations.

Apparantely the Nile in the evening is a beautiful sight!! The pyramids are somethign I wont miss, and the Sphinx. And of course the temples and the Christian coptic churches and the jewish synagogues and the tombs and the museams. Phew! So much to see, So little time!!! Anyone knows anything about anything in Cairo feel free to comment. Its my first time there.

And if anyone manages to give me valid inforamtion which will help me be a better backpacker, I promise to bring back a belly dancer for him/her.

The only downside is that Ammu'S (the love of my life) Bday is on the 20th. And under any other circumstanstes I wouldnt miss it for the world. Dang. Life is so ironical. It gives you some but it takes back for it!!
If u know her make sure u wish her (missing u in egypt ammu.... Muah)

Well.. im off to frolicking in the nile.. im off to sheik rattle and roll...wish me loads of belly dancers.. oops luck
Pharoh ever yours

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Ringmasters

Location : Palace grounds, Bangalore
Date : 14th January, 2005
People : Bhushan, Aditi, Ammu, Myself
Event : The Gemini Circus
End Result : Awe Mixed with Apathy.

Last Evening I revisited my Childhood.

Among the most pleasant recollections of ones youth is the visit to a circus. Random images of Clowns and elephants were in my mind, and then they all got fortified, the minute I entered the Gemini circus Arena.
I remembered the awe with which I had looked up at the trapeze artistes, , the glee with which I had encouraged the clowns, The applause with which I had greeted the elephants.
All this came back to me last evening.. At Bangalore's own Gemini Circus.

The circus is of very ancient origin. Away back in the dark ages, sports in the ring entertained the heathen peoples of the earth. Combats of wild beasts and of men were the most popular form of entertainment in Rome. In Greece feats of strength and skill in the arena gathered a whole nation to the famous Olympian games. Go where-ever you may, in the savage fastnesses of Africa even, and you will see a circus of some sort.

From circus day in Pompey's Rome complete with lions, pachyderms and performances interspersed with chariot racing until modern day Gemini, circuses remain the most enduring and endearing form of family entertainment in the world.

I have read that In many parts of Europe and Africa one can see the remains of great amphitheatres in which clamorous audiences, thousands used to applaud just as modern audiences under the Gemini tents applaud today.

All of us (well almost all) will agree that the first menagerie was owned and run by Noah. Others have claimed the distinction, but Noah alone is entitled to the credit which rightfully attaches to the originator of such a glorious enterprise - The Circus. Prior to Noah's time amusements were comparatively unknown. In putting his show on the road, our friend met with many serious drawbacks. Especially,since there was no road, literally, upon which he could travel. It was all water!!!

Last evening we were welcomed with the typical circus colors "red orange yellow". The acts flowed in one after the other, Perfectly synchronised, harmoniously coordinated.

The acts included, Clowns, comedy skits, Beautiful Russian female Jugglers, Chinky balancing acts, Indian Thunder thighs riding monocycles, Motorcycles buzzin on the ball, coordinated cycling teams, acrobatics, sky walking and the trapeze artistes.
Everyone was in AWE! one could even hear gasps and sighs alonside the hoots and whistle and applause that was filling the already festive atmosphere.

I have to specially mention that 3 Nice Looking russian women were busy smiling and grinning at us boys!! They were in fact checking us out!!! Beat That!! All eyes were on them, but then their eyes were on us. Thats a whole different story. Maybe ill post a seperate blog on that one! (What say Bhushan?) *wink*

Anyways.. Then came in the animals. Elephants, camels, Horses , Camels storks, Parrots, parakeets, Other assorted birds , and even a Hippopotamus.

UNlike their human counterparts, this time the feeling that engulfed me was different.
All that I cud do wonder how these animals made show business look so easy. And wonder why they got whipped "whoooptashed" even if they were performing.
At this juncture I want everyone to take a moment to empathise with the creatures of show business..
I could see tears rolling down eyes of one particular animal lover who was sitting by my side, (love u for that Ammu) and I realised that suddenly there was a set of questions pouring into my head to which I didnt have answers.

What kinds of animals are used in circuses ?
What are the living conditions like for animals in circuses?
Don’t the animals get to exercise when they are performing?
Why do animals in circuses sway back and forth, bob their heads, and bite the bars of their cages?
Aren’t these animals still safer and better off in captivity than in the wild?
How are animals trained to perform?
What evidence is there of abusive training or handling of animals in circuses?
What legislation regulates circuses and travelling shows in India?
Isn’t it good for children that they learn about animals by seeing them live at a circus?
How is public safety jeopardized by performing animal acts?

If anyone has the answers to these questions.. post a comment. And if anyone knows a way to reduce or minimise animal pain in an established menagerie of sorts.. post a comment.
If anyone feels for the animals.. post a comment.
I'd also like to point out that this circus didnt have the Lion and Tigers and the big cats. Is there a law against using them.. or are they just too dangerous! Will I ever know!?

Anyways. The circus is defenitely a beautiful experiance...
The beauty of the circus is that everyone can understand it, deaf and dumb boy can enjoy it, and a blind man could revel in music and laugh at the clown's jokes. Youth and age, irrespective of nationality, can feast upon the splendors of the sawdust circle and understand it all. If you go to the play and don't understand what the actors are saying you have but a poor time of it. But what does it matter what they say at the circus, as long as they do only half of the things they promise in the advertisements and the posters and hoardings.
It is true that all the acts were incredible, and we were thoroughly enjoying ourselves with the bubble blowers and the phee phees (hooters) . My favorite part of the circuz this trip around was the look of wonder in all the children' eyes! Defenitely worth a visit.
Before I sign off on this post, The Circus is evidently an ancestor of the Theatre and Amphitheatre. Can we call this art of performance and the precisely timed and well executed hungama the Birthplace of Event Management???? What do u think?
Go visit the Circus, Its at the Palace grounds till the 6th of Feb 2006, and tell me what you think. And Also ponder deep within and realise wether your a ringmaster or a circus animal!
Will post more photos soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

And the Reason.... is you....


Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay

There's a pain that sleeps inside
It sleeps with just one eye
And awakens the moment that you leave
Though I try to look away
The pain it still remains
Only leaving when you're next to me

Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay

Can you make them disappear?
Make them disappear

There's a pain that sleeps inside
Sleeps with just one eye
And awakens, the moment that you leave
And I search through every face
Without a single trace, of the person
The person that I need

Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay

------------Doug Rob Hoobastank

Dedicated to Ammu - My Love, My Soulmate, My Life!! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Seek-ret of Life!

I got a little senti after reading this one.. not usually me to do so.

After reading this I have confortably concluded.. this one Story.. explains the Secret of life!! Anyone for some Zen?

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of CANCER. From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed:
"Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied:
The world over -- 5 crore children start playing tennis, 50 lakh learn to play tennis, 5 lakh learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbeldon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?".
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?"
Happiness keeps u Sweet, Trials keep u Strong, Sorrow keeps u Human,
Failure Keeps u Humble, Success keeps u Glowing,But only God Keeps u Going.....
"Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow."

Seek the answer.. and leave the rest to your living pulse!

(the credit for this post goes to Anup!)

Bawarchee chee .. (the sequel)


Yay!! I cooked again last night. And this time it turned out to be more brilliant than last time!!! yippeee. yai ...yai... I have to accept though.. Ammu helped me cut the veggies

Bhushan, Aditi, Ammu, Myself were the lead victims this time. Sonal, Ankita and Priya were the tertiary targets.
They were subjected to Anjaan's Capsicum Pulao and Paneer mutter masala.

I did have pizza huts number on speed dial, and digene at an arms length away. But thankfully (phew there is a cooking god), we didnt have to dial the number or open the draw... or is it dial the draw and open the number!??

I read somewhere that a good cook is the peculiar gift of the gods. He must be the perfect creature from the brain to the palate, from the palate to the finger's end. I realised good cooking is all about knowing the right quantities. Thats all. Theres nothing more to it. Of course it helps if someone cuts the veggies for you in the right sizes. (Thanx Ammu)

And for all those curious cookies who commented on my previous cooking post.. here goes an uploaded picture of my creations ... *my first upload (hehe)*
What u see below is Mushroom Muttar Masala, Tomato Rice , Carrot Thoran and mixed veg raita. Forgive the Garnishing! :)

Anyone who comments is invited to a free sampling session.. anytime.. or even better.. a free cookery class. :)
Remember... Kissing dont last.. cookery does!!! So Cook! and Tell!

King Tut ... Here i come!!

Guess where your friendly bawarchi backpacker is headed??
Guess whos gonna be frolicking by the Nile??
Guess when the time zone monarch is going backwards into the past to visit the lifes of the ancients???
Guess how much he's spending???
Guess what king tut is going to be doing in the month of Jan 2005.

For more on this keep an eye on this blogspot! :)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Who Bawarchi? Me?

Its been a crazy 5 days since 2006 began. Life is Funny sometimes. It makes you do things that youve never wanted to do. And it stops you from doing things you've always wanted to do. Ironic actually.

I never thought i'd cook Mushroom Muttar Masala, Tomato Rice , Carrot Thoran and mixed veg raita, all on the same day. In the past I have cooked each one seperately But not together. If the inquisitive realy want to know how it is to cook so many dishes together, ask your mom.

Its a given that bachelors are poor cook , except of course if you've majored in Hotel Management, or if your saif ali khan in Salaam Namaste.
For ages, the kitchen, all its nuances and the entire purview of cooking has been a Woman thing. Even today in an orthodox brahmin family, the husband wont even enter the kitchen. Thats the womans domain. Thats her fort.
Given this background one can conclude that for all women cooking is a muse. For men cooking ends up being an oppressive chore.

Even those for whom cooking is a source of self-doubting anxiety, acknowledge that a meal shared by friends and family is one of the bonding rituals without which the family, society even, can fall apart. The qualities of an exceptional cook are akin to those of a successful tightrope walker: an abiding passion for the task, courage to go out on a limb and an impeccable sense of balance. My cooking skills today impressed me. Will post reviews from people who ate soon and photographs.

I knew when i was little, that i'd be a great cook someday. I even cleared some hotel management course entrances! lol. In the childhood memories of every good cook, there's a large kitchen, a warm stove, a simmering pot and a mom. Thanx ma!

To be edited and continued....

Monday, January 02, 2006

Like a Preacher Stealing Hearts... Happy New Year

Its 2006. Its A new Year. A new Dawn, A new Beginning. A new Start
Somehow.. for a change this year.. compared to the last 25 years of my life.. things do feel different.
For starters... bloggings my new muse. It wasnt in 2005, its gonna be huge for me in 2006. *grin*
I guess im not the only pastor out here with the fetish...;-)
Im telling all. Im educating. im preaching like its the next big gospel... tadaaa.. "BLOGGING"
Happy new year everyone..
And here's a toast to new beginnings and new starts.. And a New Blog Post!