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Friday, January 06, 2006

Who Bawarchi? Me?

Its been a crazy 5 days since 2006 began. Life is Funny sometimes. It makes you do things that youve never wanted to do. And it stops you from doing things you've always wanted to do. Ironic actually.

I never thought i'd cook Mushroom Muttar Masala, Tomato Rice , Carrot Thoran and mixed veg raita, all on the same day. In the past I have cooked each one seperately But not together. If the inquisitive realy want to know how it is to cook so many dishes together, ask your mom.

Its a given that bachelors are poor cook , except of course if you've majored in Hotel Management, or if your saif ali khan in Salaam Namaste.
For ages, the kitchen, all its nuances and the entire purview of cooking has been a Woman thing. Even today in an orthodox brahmin family, the husband wont even enter the kitchen. Thats the womans domain. Thats her fort.
Given this background one can conclude that for all women cooking is a muse. For men cooking ends up being an oppressive chore.

Even those for whom cooking is a source of self-doubting anxiety, acknowledge that a meal shared by friends and family is one of the bonding rituals without which the family, society even, can fall apart. The qualities of an exceptional cook are akin to those of a successful tightrope walker: an abiding passion for the task, courage to go out on a limb and an impeccable sense of balance. My cooking skills today impressed me. Will post reviews from people who ate soon and photographs.

I knew when i was little, that i'd be a great cook someday. I even cleared some hotel management course entrances! lol. In the childhood memories of every good cook, there's a large kitchen, a warm stove, a simmering pot and a mom. Thanx ma!

To be edited and continued....


Unknown said...

Hey In my Brahmin Family.. My Brother and Dad cook better than i do..

Sense's Lenses said...

hmm... since i was not invited to this gourmet sit-down dinner, I shall refrain from commenting on the quaility of food,but I must say- Cooking has NEVER been my muse. nor has it ever been a tiresome chore for my dad- who's an excellent cook!

Mind Curry said...

cooking is fun, when you have good company.. i remember the first time i attempted it at a very dear friends apartment..the parattas were a disaster..but very memorable. welcome to blogosphere by the way.

Unknown said...

@ Shubha . So when are u coooking for me gurl? Or maybe we could get your dad and brother to do it?

@sensorC . Whats with all the brahmin familys I know. Dads do all the cooking? Whats gonna happen to my stand up comedy routine of moms cooking and dad tasting the idli and saying.. "Beash Baesh"!!

@Mind Curry. Thanx for dropping by yo. The first time I cooked my curries were purple and my rotis were rock hard!!!
Thanx for the welcome :)