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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Show me the Mummy!!

Im going to egypt.

2 years ago I hosted an event called CIOl C- CHange 2004. A 3 day conference in goa with the Top CIO's of the country jamming up! (wha-ha terminology).

At that event there was an evening with the egyptian theme. One of the CIO Relax Sessions. The people were literally transported to the pyramids and the magic of egypt. We had makeshift pyramids, some very believable promoters dresses pharaos, mummy's , we had a cleoptara, some harem girls , fire breathers and even a A belly dancer. Your truly was wearing egyptian head gear and threw the arabic he knew at the audience with full gusto.

This was where your favourite Compere first got a small wish "chinna chinna asai" in his heart to head to egypt soon. Little did he know that a whole company was sharing his dream.

In 2006, Ciol C change will be held at Egypt, Cairo. I have been confirmed as the compere for the 3 days of the event.
This is where we're gonna be staying for the conference period (first 4 days)! Take a peek and burn!!

Im terribly excited about this gig, and am looking forward to going to the glorious capital of egypt, the triumphant city, the Jewel of the Orient, the City of the Thousand Minarets, and the Melting Pot of Ancient and Modern Egyptian Civilizations.

Apparantely the Nile in the evening is a beautiful sight!! The pyramids are somethign I wont miss, and the Sphinx. And of course the temples and the Christian coptic churches and the jewish synagogues and the tombs and the museams. Phew! So much to see, So little time!!! Anyone knows anything about anything in Cairo feel free to comment. Its my first time there.

And if anyone manages to give me valid inforamtion which will help me be a better backpacker, I promise to bring back a belly dancer for him/her.

The only downside is that Ammu'S (the love of my life) Bday is on the 20th. And under any other circumstanstes I wouldnt miss it for the world. Dang. Life is so ironical. It gives you some but it takes back for it!!
If u know her make sure u wish her (missing u in egypt ammu.... Muah)

Well.. im off to frolicking in the nile.. im off to sheik rattle and roll...wish me loads of belly dancers.. oops luck
Pharoh ever yours


Raven said...

I am green with envy! It is a life long yearning for me to go see the pyramids.

Sense's Lenses said...

dude! just visited the Egyptian stall at the TTF. Awesome place!! I fully intend to visit it someday- Will call you for traveller's tips then!

Lorne and Donna said...

I need your help. I just created a Blog, and I am having problem posting photos. It seems when I post the photo, I do not have enough pixels. But when I see it before I post photo, the picture looks.
The name of the blog is:
Leave a message under my only post.

Wasaga Beach, Ontario,

Unknown said...

Hey rav... It aint that expensive anymore to get to egypt. With the international flight rates drastically dropping, you might just go there soon. Thanx for dropping by!

@ Sensor.. hope u picked up from memorobilia u chaveller! :P

@ da Bells... Hey guys, hope my instriction filled mail was useful. Hope you managed to load some photographs! Cheers!