On first Thursday of May, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That will never happen again, at least in our lifetime!
As we move along the waves of time, hope you enjoy this unique time wrap! Happy Once in a Lifetime Experience!!!

hey there.
hmm. i didn't realize that, how cool is that!
my first practical exam went off allright- not too bad, i must say.
the other two shouldn't be too bad, either. i have radio [!] and web on the 4th and 5th.
oh and! thank you for checking up on me. excuse my appallingy bad manners.
Hmmmm Really INteresting observation......
its a very very scary thought
never thought abt it....interesting
Hi Anjaan...that is so cool. I never realized it. :)
Hope you are doing well.
@the Star
Isnt it?
Gimme entire status report after all the exams get over! ok Gurl?
And ur bad mannered ill behaved behind is forgiven!! hehe
Yup. I KNow! Thanx. *Wondering if I should be modest*
And why is it a scary thought?
well. its over now! lol
Doing fantastic. And you lady?
I am doing great...been really busy and going to be even more so the next few weeks. :) So not much blogging.
may i complain about my radio practical, please? thanks ever so much. :)
my examiner was a real cow. she ripped us to shreds, was completely unprofessional and remarked upon {and mimicked} personal gestures or mannerisms. she was absolutely wretched and i was the absolute student from hell. she asked really arbid and STUPID questions and was generally nasty, and i was quite defensive {as were the other two decent people in my group}. she was just plain nasty. and then she went and made my friend cry after remarking on her lisp and asking her, {quite rudely} 'what's up with your accent?'
so, i made a fuss. and she was nice to everyone else. :(
sigh. i hope she won't fail me.
Sure why not???????????
hey !
thanx for stopping by
awesome killer wave !!
read ur 'annavaru' post .... truly , he has done so much for kannada literature and arts ....
and he was an icon .. but the violence is totally unjustified .. in fact , the violence would have pained him
hey anjaan,
that was great...a story to relate to our grand children eh;)
we lived in the times when the dates and times aligned themselves..without any efforts of ours hahah..
nic one dude:)
yupppers amazing ha!
hey anjaan,
Thanks for the wishes- enjoyingmy role as of now- except for the sleepless nights!
well missed it.........
What can i say other than "Ditto"
Just gimme her name Gurl..
*rolls up his sleeves*
*confused* So I should BE MODEST? lol
Thanx so much, And Thank you again!
So what DID you finally do then?
Yup our grandkids wud sure appreciate this one! :)
yeah.. isnt it?
Thanx so much BRo!
Pamper yourself with Pamper troubles. Its a once in a lifetime oppurtunity! :)
Imagine what Gandhari Went through. She had 100 sons. No wonder she decided to go blind! hehe.
Aw! :(
good scientific observation
oi you. stop with the disappearing act!
and i wish i could, but i think you'd end up with a conflict of interest as i have just realized.
oops. :(
@the Star
there are reasons for my houndini like behaviour gurl! :) Will blog again
hey anjaan... looks like your party was good fun.. i missed it.. and as you asy.. a time missed, is a time lost forever.
your friends seem to be good fun too. they are full of life and more important very enthu...
well take care and keep having fun.
Thanx so much for the wishes. but im assuming U shud have posted in the party post. lol. Nevertheless. Do tell me who u are!
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