Search Happy Hours

Monday, May 22, 2006

Selling out to the system

I have finally done the deed. No no that one... did that long ago.. (to be precise on the 12th of February)!! *grin*

I have joined a company as a full time employee. I have sold my soul to the "system". I have given up the pleasures of the freelance life for the sweat of the organised commercial media sector.

Due to this move now, I wont have the pleasure of shaving my own boss, I cannot take off to Goa once in three months. I cannot walk into office anytime I want, and leave anytime I want. I cannot run 6 parallel businesses simultaneously. I cannot sleep late and wake up late. lol .. and beat this.. I Get PF and Gratuity!

The good news now!

I have joined Radio 1 - A venture between the Mid day group and BBC. The station will beam on 92.5fm. We are looking at a July 1st 2006 launch.

I am designated as Programming Manager. Ill be incharge of the programming, production and content management of the radio station in Bangalore. My primary Role will be Producing the Breakfast show. (Yippee)

After having done a thorough study of the 7 stations that are going to hit the Bangalore airwaves, I have concluded that this is one of the best stations to work with. Even though I did have offers from 3-4 other stations, this seemed to be the best bet. The company as such is all set to do extremely well in Bangalore. After its immense success in Bombay, they are launching their daily tabloid Mid-Day in Bangalore too.

When it comes to Radio, we have the best people in the business, starting from the CEO to the National Programming manager to the station head and the Programming director in Bangalore. Every one of them is weathered in the radio/media business and knows exactly what he/she is doing. A fantastic team to work with. My growth chart looks enticing and learning curve very promising. The programming wil be over the edge, and out of the box. The "wackiness quotient" will be very high. Creativity will peak.

The radio scene in Bangalore is going to get really competitive with 7+1 frequencies beaming out similar programming. Its an exciting phase to work on radio. This is when ground rules for radio will be made. Competition has always excited me, and this is as good as it getsIm not sure wether I'm gonna be RJ'ing as of now, maybe in a couple of months, but im darn right gonna do some good programming. And in 5 years I can look back and say I helped revolutionise radio in Bangalore~!!!! :)

Even though I was making more money as a freelancer, the fact that industry standards wise, my payscale seems to be above average is very heartening. At the end of the day its NOT all about the money is it?

So folks, wish me luck with this new venture in my life, and its not as bad as I portray it to be, trust me, its a good move! :) And like they say, You have to be in the system, to fight the system! Right?

Afternote :-
We am on the lookout for Radio Jocks, Programmers, Producers, Music Managers, Copywriters, and idea people. If anyone reading this is interested and knows their music, Call/Mail me Asap.

Talk Maadu Beka?


Anonymous said...

heyy anjaan! CANT imagine you in a 9-5 job! Heh. Anyhoo....all the very best! And yet another one bites the dust! Amen.
PS - Parrtay! (for all the money you make when I'm around!Hee.)

Unknown said...

Well. its gonna be more of a 7-3 Job, since im gonna be handling the breakfast show! :)
Yup.. the dust seems to be rising. And the infamity it brings along.. tsk tsk.

cuz ur good luck????
Anytime ur free...
Busy bee!!!!

Trevor Penn said...

Awesome... I'd be jumping stars to work in a creative environment like that... Best wishes and i hope you make it big... :)

Anonymous said...


JUmp in then. With the way your writing skills have impressed me, i dont it'd be difficult for you to get a job in media!!

Anu Russell said...

nange talk maadu bekku...illi US la indhe talk maadu baudha? Nange RJ job BEKKUUUUUUUU!!!! WAHHHHhhhh

Hey Anjaan, CONGRATS dude...Great there someway we can listen to your channel online somewhere?

PS: Nange RJ job bekku ri!!! hehee ;) Pardon me Kanada...

freespirit said...

dude...i dont believe this! 9-5...will u also wear a suit!!!! ???

Thud! That's the sound of me falling to the floor laughing soooo hard. But congratulations on having finally made it to the PF and Gratuity system. That is your insurance for old age.

If i wanna come back to India, then tell me where I can fit in, in the radio business :)

Anonymous said...

There you go !! The news is out finally :)

I feel this has to be a cutting edge station and will revive old memories of Radio Midday.

All the Best, Raise the bar !!

Trivial said...

Oye it kicked my name off lol

Anonymous said...

hey dude, congrats..
so what kind of channel is this?
i mean contentwise? is it like city/mirchi or something different?
and what kind of music will be played
all the best

Anonymous said...

hahahaahaha! Ur a funny Girl!! :)
U cant listen to the channel online yet, but im sure we'll make sure you do Soon! (july endish)
Compared to some of the calls we've been getting ur Kannada seems Fine!!!

Yes ma'am.. go ahead and laugh all u want! hehehe

And if i wear a suit to the radio station i'll be the first person in the programming business in the world to walk into studios wearing a suit! lol.Maybe I should na??

When u come back, ull fit into any business u want. Dont I know u?

And dont even get me started on old age! sigh!!

Anonymous said...

@Raven Gurl
Hey kiddo. Thanx for dropping by. U nailed it "oh little" one... with wise words and I do think of this move as "stability" .
Hope things are great with u too. Miss u too. Muah! :)

Thanx bro. If ever u need anything.. u know where u go right?
And what say.. will raise the barmaid too!??? :)

The music mix still hasnt been finalised, but with should be going with a Kannada and hindi mix with the jock talk being a English with a Kannada Skew.
The programming will be much more creative than the other stations in the scenario with a hingin towards edgyness and fun!
Do identify urself?

Anonymous said...

thnks anjaan for the reply. that sounds good.. i think u need innovative RJs to be able to succeed as a channel. people dont listen to fm only for music.
am a regular radiocity 91 listener. i happened to see ur blog on blog search.
i must tell i like ur shows on rainbow too. although i dont listen to it too much. i know only u and and pooja goel.
anyways all the best looking fwd to hearing u..
btw 91 fm is still my fav..

Anonymous said...

Much better than freelance jobs da.. Atleast you are in a good field.. I'll end up sitting in front of a comp writing programs when my mind is suggesting me to write the next song in A Major scale.. he he he..

Anonymous said...

Aw! CHo Chweet.
But U will like Radio 1 92.5fm. Trust me. :) Tune in.

Take the plunge yo take the plunge. Me getting into showbusiness/media wasnt a coincidence. It was a planned move.
U have to DIve Head on.. And face the water, swim against the current. Thats the secret.
And frankly i think it takes Balls! *wink*

LadyParadox said...

hey! happy belated budday! will tune in!

smokieswamy said...

hey Anjaan,
Wanted to know wat kinda writing is involved. did a bit of writin for a English daily for sumtime, dabbled in production in a tv channel as an intern,workin for a mag now.. would love to be part of the growing trend radio... do lemme know.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my point.. I'll sit and write songs in A Major nevertheless he he he.. By the Way we recorded a couple of songs this week.. Which is a good move for my band.. eurbfj

Jina said...

wow...congrats..n all d best....btw wat exctly is an idea manager..[nopes im not in the look out of a job..dont get a just enquirin for knowledge expansion..hehe]

i hang like a star; said...

woot! congratulations! sounds dead creative- hard as heck, but creative. dream workplace. heh.

also, interns? i'll intern! :D

{when i'm back to the city that bang{s} galore.}

Anonymous said...

@Lady Paradox
Thanx so much. :)

Sent u a mail on that. Do check!

Songs in A major eh? lol. What is ur bands name? And what is eurbfj

Anonymous said...

Someone who comes up with creative ideas, and manages the ideas other people come up with. Ideas need to translate to programming concepts and those need to transalate to sellable production content. Thats what an idea manager does. Ideally this role will be taken up by one of the producers itself! :)

@The star
Our interning doors are always open for smart gurls! :)

Anonymous said...


band's called Neolithic Silence

watch this wekend for some news..

DJK said...

Hey Anjaan,
Congrats with the new job and all. If you're still looking Radio Presenters, please leave me a line. I have done a RJ workshop with a Radio Indigo and have a demo CD. Only hitch is, I am in Qatar right now, doing PR and Event Management. Please leave a line at dj(dot)krishkay(at)gmail(dot)com.
P.S: If you are Zubin's friend, you can ask him for his opinion on my knowledge of music :D

smokieswamy said...

hey thanks for the mail Anjaan, will get back.

Anonymous said...

Cool Scene man! :) way to go!

Hey, We've almost finalised on our jocks. Today (31st) is the last day of our auditions actually. Get a demo CD of yours couriered to Zubin and get him to give it to me asap.
But can u speak Kannada? We're looking at Bilingual/multilingual Jocks.

Like when im still young buddy? Send it asap!

i hang like a star; said...

well, do you think they're open for me? :P not too smart, but willing to learn. ;)

Anonymous said...

hey anjaan,
cud u tell me if any of the following RJs will be part of this channel?
chaitanya hegde,priya ganapathi,jonzie,sanoth gnanakan and sheetal iyer?? All are my favs.
Also i hope Darius and Kiran Sreedhar wont be there. Both suck

Anonymous said...

@The Star
Of course we're open for you. lol. And who ever said ur not too smart! Are yu Fishing?

Whoa!! Both K and D are known to me. U shudnt be passsing such comments without identifying urself! lol.
Nope none of the above mentioned names are joining us. We've uprooted a fresh batch of talent who will blow ur minds. Or lets see! :)

Anonymous said...

180odd liscences around the country. Only 7 in Bangaolore. Good news? hmm?
The only format that will work with commercial radio is a Music Format. Also the government does now allow us to do news. So it will predominantly be a music channel!

i hang like a star; said...

i don't fish, dearest. i was being honest. :)

Anonymous said...

Fm Licensing is a huge game played by the government and private sectors. To go into the history of it will take a long time.
As of now Private stations are not allowed to read out "the news". The goverment retains the rights for the same. AIR - the governments Fm station has news capsules every once in an hour at the strike of the clock. I guess they dont wanna lose monopoly?
Their argument is that they dont trust private players to give the real news! (as it is with tv channels?)
The government has also retained syndicated radio frequencies with them. No private player is allowed to syndicate their radio frequencies.
The radio community is thankful for the goverment finally okaying the FDI bill and the Revenue Sharing Bill. WHich is why so many stations are coming up. Now we cant fight for news too can we? lol

@The star
Send of resume then gurl! :)
Our team is almost set though, but lets see. Ill probably ahve vacancies after we're on air. lol

Unknown said...

All the Best Anjaan! Heard about it while I was in Bangalore last week. Met up old friends who are all excited for you.

You were a great RJ & I'm sure you'll rock Bangalore here too!

Only wish I was in Bangalore to catch all the fun!!

Either way wishing you only the "bestest" best.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rashmi,
Thanx so much for the wishes.
Now who would these old friends be???? *grin*

Anonymous said...

so what??.. now ure going to try to make Rip Off kanadda songs KEWL ???

Unknown said...

2 of them are part of your new team!*wink*

Remember me now?

Anonymous said...


I've always thought that working for fm stations is a lot more exciting than tv music channels - but then that's just me :)

Anonymous said...

Lol! I guesS! Kannada Cool is the way to be. Im gunning at getting these rip offs to play at Bangalore night clubs! hehe

I havent forgotton u to remember u! Lol. Which 2 is the question u need to ponder over! lol

Make that 2 of us.
And thanx! :)
Hope everything is fine at ur end and all the ceremonies went off fine!

Anonymous said...

Programming manager with Radio One? I can bet my sorry ass that u will get the boot in 6 months. What does an AIR wanker like u know about private radio? Go has changed their format in Mumbai and I hear they are bringing their wanker format to Bangalore too..and got wankers like u to look after it. God help Bangalore! Go ahead..delete my post...loser!

Anonymous said...


Firstly for admitting your a sorry ass... a pat on your back!

Secondly why wud a jobless Wank** like you post on my blog unless u have no job at all?

And last.. Why wud I Delete the post of someone without enough b*lls to identify himself?
Let the World know!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anjaan.. Congrats man. Best of luck. Im Anoop.. heard you on AIR..and im not the same wank** on top. Im anonymous coz i dont have a blogger account. But tell me, Do u think do can do it man? You were good for AIR but nothing compared to the Radiocity guys. I hope u prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...


Before pointing a finger at ANJAAN's capability,talent and potential, why dont u see where the other 4 fingers are pointing out too - a nicompoop like U!!

And he is now a programming manager and not a jock, so that itself speaks for his credentials.

FYI u can also post a comment with ure name under the "other" section DUH Brain !!

Anonymous said...

wow! The war of the blogs! I like it! Rather a War on my blogs!

Thanx for the congrats mAn. And All India Radio is a government station. Cannot be compared with Radio city which is a commercial private network. With 7 Pvt players coming into the Radio market in Bangalore, the whole ball game is different.

U shud read my blog on AIR titled the "underdogs"

Also its not about proving u wrong. Its about doing some good radio programming.

@ure busted
Thanx for taking my stand. I have a pretty good idea who U might be.
*Kiss Kiss*

Anonymous said...

I think anup is right abt the format.. check this out
its sad . but the at the end of the day revenue matters to them.
in fact its the same story in bangalore. in my opinion radiocity is far better than radiomirchi. but u see radiomirchi being played everywhere be it cab or hotel or shops.

Trivial said...

So Rohit Barker and D'rais are both joining BPL, seems like lot of movement in Bangalore Radio Market!

And BBC is not going to be just a sleeping partner they feeding the World Cup to Radio 1, I bet this is going to be exiting.

All the Best Dude!

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone..Im a huge radio fan from bangalore and been following radio ever since fakruddin was on air..and not sure how many of ya remember george and rohit doing AIR a long time back! mighty excited about all the new stations coming out soon. Best of luck to u Anjaan. Used to listen to u on AIR and now bumped into ya blog by accident. I have a friend who works for a media site called exchange4media who gives me juice about whats happening where. For everyone who wants to know what all ure fav radio guys are doing....well here we go!

Anjaan - Programme manager - Radio one ( which we all know anyway! )
Rohit barker - Indigo FM
Darius - director - Virgin Radio
Saggy - Creative head - Radiocity (gettin back from colombo soon i heard)
Jhonsy - national Creative director - Worldspace ( gettin bak from dubai i heard)
Priya Ganapthy - Radiocity Delhi
Chaitanya - Director - Worldspace
Seetal iyer - Director - Worldspace

Thats all i know...ont know about the rest! All 100% confirmed! Now thank me! he he

Anonymous said...

well, im one of those who listened to a lot of anjaan for three years before i left bangalore, and i can say confidently that he's one of the best rjs around, even better than most of those at radiocity. and he's got a great sense of music, which is lacking in most radiocity rjs, save a few like barker or, to an extent, suresh venkat [what's he currently doing, btw?].
dude, i gotta say i found your show enjoyable and thanks a ton for keeping me awake on thursday nights thru my 2nd PU.

Anonymous said...

U got that right buddy. Just like any other medium, Radio is also a Business. The fine line and smartness comes in keeping it A Happy Business.
Thanx for dropping by.

Buddy. Come Back to Bangalore.
Darius has Joined HT-Virgin as P.D. Rohit shud be joining Indigo yeah.
As of now we're not feeding anything from Bangalore. lol. Let us Launch first! hehe
But yeah its gonna be MEGA-EXCITING

Anonymous said...

Whoa Dude! U Seem to be on top of the business! You'd be of tremendous help to a Head Hunter! lol.
Who's ur resourceful friend from exchange4media?

And yup we all grew up on Rohit and George. Hosted the same tuesday tunes post the Darius period. Most of us started with good ol AIR.!!!

Thats the sweetest thing ever. Ur surely a Darling. Thanx so much. *Hug*Hug*
Did u ever call in?
Suresh is with CNBC Bombay now.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i did happen to call in many times. it was fun... you once made me sing zombie on air.

Unknown said...

Havent made many people sing ZOmbie on Air. Did u sing well?

Anonymous said...

A man who created an entire blog just to comment on mine. Shud I feel Priveledged! Of course!

What I cant figure out is how u managed to calculate the 1366 Listeners!!!! hahaaha

You have been crowned as King of Faffers on my blog. Congratulations. And happy blogging!
(I bet he'll be back)

Anonymous said...

Daney, daney , daney

U're really not going to make an iota of difference to your life and living by critcising people OK.


Aqua said...

all the best anjaan. am SO looking forward to all the excitment on the airwaves...we've had enough of radio mirchi already.

Anonymous said...

hmm, i dunno... but you gave a snigger and said "stay tuned, this is getting _interesting_... *snigger*"

Anonymous said...

@Ure Busted
Ur really a true fan arent u? lol.
Ur also a blog war creator?!!??

Thanx so much! Hope everything is fine with u! :)

lol. Snigger eh? hahaha
I bet u were a good singer.. and u left me speechless. Thats why I sniggered, cuz I had nothing else to say. hehe

Sense's Lenses said...

whoa! that's quite some comments you have there on your post dude! just had a chance to drop in- Congrats on the shift, i know you'll do well. damn! had i been in b'lore, i'd have insisted you employ me- just don't know as what
-And happy belated b'day. I seem to be missing quite a few b'days post Pickwick's arrival!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on pikwik. lol
even though the name will never cease to amaze me.
COme back to bangalore and i still might want to employ yu. lol. We have a sales and marketing team as well right! :)
And thanx for the wishes.

Anonymous said...

ps: i think you might remember me... i happen to be karthik's ex-classmate, and i think i mentioned the fact to you once.

Anonymous said...

Now that u put things in perspective I seem to have some Memory of you. Hope u tune into our new station .. Radio One Fm 94.3 .. Hit mele hit mele hit

Anonymous said...

I'm actually lookin for a job in the radio in India as a producer/broadcaster.i read your afternote and i thought i should mail U.I would send you my CV.
My Mail id is