This Sunday is possibly my last "free" weekend. I doubt If for the next three months ill have time to take a sunday off. Please pray for me.. *grins*. Ive realised that now that my lifestlye is so hectic, and exciting , theres nothing quite as refreshing as taking a warm shower then napping on the bed for an hour before getting clothed!!! And thats exactly what Im gonna do this sunday. I wonder when i'd be able to do it again. :)
I've had the luck to be the first employee in the programming department, and among the first three employees of the company itself. Ive managed to put my fingers deep into all aspects of setting up a radio station.
I'm sure a couple of years, or possible even months later we will fondly remember the days when there were only 3 people working out of a makeshift office and borrowed phones. Now we are a 30+ Strong team with a plush , vibrant, airy , bright , picturesque office on Museum Road!!! This office accomodates the Programming, Technical, Sales, Marketing, Accounts and Admin Functions too. Our Studios are Ready and all set to blast some great programming to bangalore.
The last 3 weeks were spent in getting trained and then further training the Jocks. Our training included training in Enco's DAD. We're the second (the other one being a one off set up in udaipur or something) station in the country to use Enco's software compared to the normally popular RCS. And the difference seems evident and Enco definitely scores more brownie points in our books. We're also being trained in Powergold (a music scheduling software) which induces a different set of happy makers on its own. Being part of the thrill of being able to decide what plays out and what doesnt on a radio station is magnificent.
Our trainers were the best in the business too. Enco's creator Eugene Novacek , Powergolds MD Jimmy Edwards , Reputed Trainer and Mumbai Jock Savio Baretto, and our own National Programming Manager and VP.
Last evening my Jock List got finalised. And I cannot be modest when I admit that they are really great. Each one is gearing up in his/her own way to make a difference to Radio in Bangalore. They're a fine set of guys and girls. And im proud of each and everyone of them for doing so brilliantly and making it so far. You'll hear them on air soon, and you'll know what I mean, and im sure you wont disagree.
I cannot stop exclaiming how everything is so New and Fresh. A new business. New friends. New software. New Direction. New Ideas. New list of things to do. New Radio Channel. Compltely New everything.
Like the famous saying goes... "The secret of getting ahead is the secret of getting started"
Our Music is in place, Our studios are geared up, Our Station Jingle is recorded, My breakfast team is all ready to rock your mornings, the Sales team is all set to bring in ads, the marketing team is all set to splash the city with Radio 1. Our sister concern, the Mid-Day daily is out. They're doing well. Now all we need is to go on air and for you to tune in. So spread the news. Tell people there's a new flavour coming to town. A new family set to turn ur world into a musical one. A new station which makes sure you get the Biggest HITS.
The thrill of being part of a company from the set up stage is something which words cannot describe. As we inch closer and closer to the launch of the station, the excitement is getting larger and larger. The butterflies are getting bigger and bigger. So wish us luck. We'll be on air Faster than u know it. So set ur frequencies on 94.3fm and keep your ears peeled to your radios.
Tune into Radio One Fm 94.3 , and enjoy Hit mele Hit mele Hit mele HIT!!!

ah, finally, the breath of fresh air. i was getting sick of having to search for the latest in music.
Nice...Waiting for you guys to get online so that I can listen to your breakfast show during dinner here :)
After all the excitement, freshness, newness, are telling me what a life I have?!! Hmmm...
We'll play the latest in Kannada and Hindi Music. I wonder if thats what ur searching for. hmm?
How goes everything?
At least u got 3 days off and u lazed by the pool. I havent seen a pool in 6 months and I used to go to the club swimming daily. Sigh
Dont know how soon we'll podcast, but ull be the first to know.
no international music? *crestfallen look*
damn, and that when i've given up on hoping that indian music gets better.
and do drop a line if you guys go online, coz we dont have good music, or even a decent radio station in mangalore.
Yay! Will be waiting!!!
So do you host your shows in Kannada, english or Hindi?
Ok and about the pool...It is like 80deg F around 8 in the night here...I am serious...the sun is up till 9.00pm and you have to soak yourself in water if you want to survive...I live in TEXAS dude!
aah.. the freshness in something so creatively nascent... Best wishes to you guys... i hope you rule the radio waves around bglr :)
I hear lot of NON HINDI music finally... Good going man!!!!
all the best...
btw latest kannada songs?? hmmm.. am afraid people dont like them. even am a kanadiga. just look at 91's mallige circle program. they play very good old melodies..
am looking fwd to ur breakfast show. i dont listen to mirchi cuz all their shows sucks.
and then there is 1/2 coffe in 91. that is okish. lets see if u can make make me change the frequency :-)
if ur channel wants to succeed, then do something 91 did when they started. it was awesome..
All the best Anjaan.. Will surely tune in..
Latest in Kannada and Hindi? Bleech!
Sounds Great!! :D
Good luck!!Damn i am missing out on all the fun ^makin' a long face^
Sounds like its a really exciting and fun gig for you. Loads of luck in your endeavours!
thats good news :)
hiya darlin....thanks for your 'worried msgs'. I survived and I am gonna be in nammuru for about 2 weeks from next week. Hope to catch up with you then....and to hear the latest in the Indian Radio scene! :-)
First comes my love of Radio. Then comes my love of music.
We'll be playing Hindi and Kannada Repertoire. We're already doing our test runs. My jocks shud be on air in less than 5 days. Tune in. :)
Yay! :)
Dont know if ill be hosting as of now. Too much on my plate already. :)
The wild wild texan west eh?
Thanx so much! :)
Buddy. Thats only our Test programming. Lets not get our hopes too high. lol
Research Buddy Research. Well be going a kannada hindi mix. Ur a kannadiga. Ull like it.
we're looking at making kannada cool.
Thanx Gurl! :)
@Marky Mark
We're catering to a large
@La vida loca
Yes u are!
@Fresh Ink
Thanx so much! :)
Yes it is!!
@Ramya (freespirit)
Glad to hear that. Lets meet up as soon as ur here! :) Maybe ull get to meet ammmu too! *wink*
ok anjaan. but it all depends target listeners u did this survey on. am of the opinion 99% of new kannada songs suck. i agree taste differs.. but am sure majority feel the same.
and one more thing.. ur RJs might speak in kannada.. but that doesnt necessairy make it pleasant to listen to.. mirchi is an example.
one has to be creative no matter which lang he/she speaks. not asking stupid questions like how to kill mosquitoes and expecting listensers to call/sms. amongst kannada speaking rjs chaitanya hegde was the best.( i dont know where he vanished). and recently one dude called nanda on 91 is quite good..
i hope ur stations rjs are that calibre..
njoying work! now thts fun :D
Hey Anjaan, thanks for dropping by and best of luck to you and Radio One Fm 94.3!!!
All the best Anjaan! I'm sure you people will rock Bangalore!
My only regret though, is I'll be listening only on my rare trips to Bangalore!
So take care.
If this is the Anjaan I think it is, first of all, hey.
Ex Planet M. Remember me?
Congrats and all that. I promise to tune in. But please do not make it a Kannada-Hindi thing. And do not base your decisions on what Times FM thinks Bangalore needs. Yes, all over the world, you need to talk the local lingo on a radio station and all that, but Kannada songs? Honey, apart from a few SP songs, there is nothing new in Kannada worth listening to. Bangalore is a cosmo city (don't we know it now!!) and people want to listen to good music. If you really want to bring back some Kannada there, please look at the golden era of PBS/P Susheela/S Janaki of yore, and definitely not the Kashinath/Jaggesh tripe of today!
Finally Guys you have started it...
Me and my friends are already tuned but plzzz make sure you play only bollywood songs dude kanada songs sucka and are all time loser and plzz no english me n my frinds dont like it . Thanks dude
Chaitanya is A PD With Worldspace.
U review the calibers of my jocks and then tell me what u think.
New kannada music that is a HIT with the MAsses will be the tracks we're playing. If you listen to tracks from Jogi, Amruthadhare, Bisi Bisi, and many others including the new Aishwarya, Ull know that there is a lot of nice tracks in kannada Repertoire.
After all who are we to judge?
@Sweet Pea
Thanx :)
Its ironic matter of fact! Maybe rare too.. but Ironic.
I guess I still belong to the few people who do what they like, and not like what they do! ;)
Thanx! :) *hugs*
Visit more often!?? :)
Of course its the same Anjaan. Where are U now? MY number's the same ol same ol. Gimme a buzz?
Sweetie..u Have to understand that at the end of the day, Radio is a business.. just like any other enterprise. I have to play what people (masses want). The stations format will be Kannada Hindi.
And even though bangalore is a "so called " cosmo city, only 4% of the population wants to listen to International Music.
tip - Look around you! :)
Whatever u say man.Ur the boss! lolololol. *grin*
Okay. Will tune in. Also, please look to me if you need help with content :D. Hindi and Kannada (of yore) are right up my alley!
Good luck and wishing you the kind of success you've dreamed of :-).
something i discovered with radiocity is that it doesnt really matter about what music a radiostation plays, but it's all about how you present it to your listeners, coz most people will listen to anything.
still, could you please please please sneak in some hard rock/alternative/retro rock in there somewhere? atleast during weekends?
Hi Priya, Anu Russell, Anjaan, Seashells, Jay, Anonymous, Shubhaprada, Marky Mark, La Vida Loca, Fresh Ink, Keshi, Freespirit, Sweet Pea, Neha, Priya, Suma, Rashmi, Shadab, Random Thoughts, Silverine!
7 million people in Bangalore and I'm only the 21st person to join the discussion. Yuhoo! Wish I was among the people 'researched 'too. Heard 3 hours of 94.3 yesterday hoping to listen to at least one English song...but no. I WANT WESTERN MUSIC! * Pounding the ground *...feel like whining like Joey.. ' Why God? Why? '
:) Na, am a happy person and the post be me going into momentary violent mode.
Working in a start up gives you the biggest kick .. agreed... and we are talking music here, so i am burning up with envy.
All the very best with the launch and the thereafters :) Rock on... in hindi, kannada or any language you please!
hey, i listened to 94.3 fm today.... the music was excellent...but where were the rjs??
and is the newspaper midday part of the same group?
priya, the music was excellent ??
hmmm it sucks. also the same song is replayed so many times..
but the signal is clear and very good..
dunno, listened for just half an hour.
Thanx so much. Most of our programming will be Current HIT music. So maybe we'll start a retro format station soon. (in 5 years). But thanx for the wishes sweetie! :)
Ur suggestions and intellegence is always welcome though.
I would tend to disagree with you. The music is defenitely the STAR of the station though. It predominently defines ones audience. The RJ's are only accesories.
But they have to sound good too!
We're a Masses station. No international music.
Maybe only 30 people have commented on my blog, but we have hoardes already listnenign to us *wink*
Our listerners are masses.. And a station which plays international music will be here soon.
Of course you are part of our "research group", the only thing being the entire percentage of people in bangalore who want international music is not more than 5%
@tinky toinkers
Thanx for dropping by.
Dont burn with envy. JOin the family and enjoy the music.
Thanx! :)
U havent read my entire blog properly have u? lol. And my old blog on joining the mid-day group. Read up.
@Cricket Passion
We were testing the transmission till yesterday. Tune in today and ull find our jocks on air.
Its our soft launch. YAY!
Che... I really had HIGH hopes.. anyways are you guys gonna support local Hindi and Kannada acts?? Lots are coming up.. One band called EK.. They are really really good..
LOL. Got the drift about the stone age :-).
Can't wait to hear 94.3 FM. :) I am sure it will be excellent. Good Luck with everything.
How can I join in dude... I live in far off Delhi. But I will take up partial advice and tune in to some music now :)
Rock on!
Hey anjaan, I've been listening to your station for 2 weeks now and I must say that the receptionand sound quality has been superb.
THe music is also good but why can't the RJs speak in a mix of Hindi, Kannada and English if you can play both Hindi and Kannada. This strategy of not speaking in Hindi makes Radio one look like a mere clone of Mirchi. Plus its hard on people who dont understand Kannada.
.. only kannada plzzz. I love to listen.
Raj says.......Plus its hard on people who dont understand Kannada.
Raj buddy.......
What about people who does not understand Hindi or English?
Can't believe my previous comment had so many typos. I even missed whole words :o
I guess yesterday wasn't really my day.
@anonymous: What percentage of Bangalore's population being targetted by the advertisers on FM channels and hence the FM channels understands neither English nor Hindi?
Miniscule, I think.
All the best.
I hope this is not going to be another radiocity or mirchi in B'lore. I am looking forward listening to more n more Kannada songs.
Scan thr' the old kannada songs. They r evergreen n they rock. Consider the locals n u will rock.
Good luck again
Please follow the same policy of Rainbow in RadioOne too.
40-70KM radius around,majority want to listen to Kananda songs. We assume your folks rock the majority.
Radio one its really good. How r u ?
Hey Anjan...
Way to go...Sorry had not been able to see your blog since eternity...
Guess now I know that you have been kept really very busy...doing this awesome new job of bringing in good music.
Anyways, good to hear something new always.. All the very best sweetie!!!
Shilpa Ragesh
IN mangalore we do not have fm :(
I am in town and i lost my phone *sigh* call me. Coz i dnt have ure number anymore!
Right Now, I am listening to only Hindi songs. Please play more n more Kannada songs..!! Please....The other private FM channels seems to be not for Bangaloreans.. But only for outsiders.!! Atleast, U guys target Bangalore people. Save Kannada and Kannada its own land..!!
please play only kannada songs 24 hours, there are already 2 fm channels for hindi. And for those people who were complaining that they don't want kannada, then they can get the hell out of bangalore and karnataka. Kannada songs truly rocks! just give them a chance.
i dont think it should be about mannina makkalu, or outsiders or things in that league.
and i dont think the music should be aimed at only the lowest common denominator of the population.
all you're allowed to do is play music, and entertain, might as well make a good job of that, set your own great standards, play good music, and more importantly, introduce people to good music...
i dont think im exaggerating when i say that the number of people who listened to international music in blore went up after the advent of radiocity.
it's all about marketing a commodity, and in this case, it's good music.
most people like to listen to hindi only coz they arent really _introduced_ to other music. western music doesnt appeal to them only coz the people playing it arent exactly introducing them to it, and they see it as a whole new deal which is beyond them.
the one way radiocity scored when they opened was that people were more open to sample different genres of music than they are now. and radiocity really brought music down to the people. which according to me, is what rj-ing is all about.
Congratulations on going on Air.
Strength of reception and sound quality is excellent.
Did RM move out of 93.3 because the couldn't stand the heat ?.
Media as a whole is too sterotyped. All the 3 commercial stations sound like clones.
It's like trying to choose between Infy, WIPRO and TCS to execute a project.
Unfortunately by going for the masses you have killed the spirit of Radio.
There's no soul behind any of the content.The RJ's make it worse. You would be better of just playing songs mixed with the Ads.Throw in a few competitions and your day is made.
It comes across loud and clear that the RJ's (of all 3 stations) have no passion it's just a career.
You have just started and I hope things will get better.
Go on take some risks on whatever you present make it different.. don't just look at the masses and the top and bottomline.
i don't think hindi music deserves so many fm stations. now there are 3 fm's in bangalore playing continous hindi music totalling to atleast 70 hours a day. kannada films may suck but the music has to capacity to beat all the south indian language's, so i request you to play more and more kannada songs, and less of hindi songs. if they do this, Radio one will definitely be the number 1 and unique.
ಅಂಜನ್ ಅವರೆ,
ರೇಡಿಯೋ ಒನ್ ವಾಹಿನಿಯು ೨೪-ಗಂಟೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ಹಾಡುಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರಸಾರ ಮಾಡಬೇಕು. ಕನ್ನಡಿಗರ ಮೇಲೆ ಆಗುತ್ತಿರುವ ಬಲವಂತವಾದ ಹಿಂದಿ ಹೇರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ತಪ್ಪಿಸಬೇಕು.
ರೇಡಿಯೋ ಒನ್ ವಾಹಿನಿ ಇಂದ ನಾವು ಬಯಸುವುದು ಇದನ್ನೆ...
Please play kannada songs.please dont dissapoint us by putting only hindi songs.I am not asking for complete kannada songs,but let it be in ratio 70:30.
I wish all the best and i promise if i hear kannada songs in Radio one, i will encourage people to listen to radio one.
maams, dont go by what ppl say abt Kannada songs or Hindi songs..
Pls start playing Kannada oldies, everyone will tune in...slowly introduce mid-80's 90's Kannada songs... they rock.
U cant prepare dishes for ur relatives taste every day at ur home, if they stay forever then they shud and will like wat ur family eats...first look at ur family's taste - so pls put Kannada songs first and then go for English and some Hindi oldies not the new ones....
Dont give Bull shit reasons as Bangalore is cosmopolitan and all - to hell with those ppl who doesnt want to respect local lang and culture...
Gaanchali bidu Kannada haaDugaLna haaku
wont your family get bored if you keep dishing out the same ol' anna-saaru?
radio is a very important medium, and it holds the responsiblity of updating people on the latest in not only regional music, but also international music... i mean, music is the only thing you're allowed to play, so why not give it more variety?
and why only kannada? why not introduce segments to play other south indian language music?
if you need to cater to the tastes of a city as diverse as bangalore, you need to play diverse music.
Play some good Indian Rock bands.. Only Radio Verve supports such stuff.. Maybe you'll get a good audience!
Listened to Radio One. Its hopeless! How i wish for those golden days of radio when Radiocity had wonderful mix of english hindi and kannada! Sunday mornings were blissful with chaitanya. Now all stations sound the same. Radio One is the worst of the current lot of stations.
Please bring back our old fav RJs. The new ones are all useless...seems like they are reading. More kannada music pls. Also we want kiran sreedhar, chaitayanya daris and johnc.
one more radio station for the outsiders(immigrants) :(
Hope this wont be another radio station for outsiders.
Play kannada songs as much as possible. Regional language should take precedence from other languages.
shut it, you regionalist fanatic.
Have been listening to Radio One for the past 2 days. Its the same as the other two stations, except that they play a kannada song inbetween some hindi songs. Very bad thing for the kannada lovers in bangalore, its a real patience tester, we have to wait for kannada songs in between hindi songs. Its better if they allocate seperate shows for kannada and hindi.
But i really don't understand what research goes into this...what is the box office earnings of hindi films in bangalore?? I have read that chennai and Hyderabad makes more money for hindi films than bangalore(but they don't play hindi music there)...but in bangalore, its only hindi hindi hindi, it really makes me hate hindi speaking people.
And my mother tongue is not kannada its telugu!
Expect Radio One to be a complete Kannada channel. Please play Kannada Folk songs, Classical songs, Devotional Songs, Light music.... along with the Kannada film songs
Hey all of you who want Kannada songs, patience! There's great news for you! Reliance Adlabs is launching an FM station that's gonna play 70% or more Kannada Music. It'll kick Radio One's ass. It'll be launched in about a month.
For those who want only Kannada, there's Sun Network's Radio Mitra that's gonna play complete Kannada Music!!!!
For those who want English music, great news again!! Another station called Radio Indigo will be up in a couple of months, and they're playing 24 hours English Music.
And there's another station from Hindustan times that is likely to play other regional music as well. So wat more do you want people?
Just managed to revisit MY blog after a long time. Yup works kept me busy!!. And i get here and .....
Phew! the amount of people commenting on the stations music format! man! its a clear indicator that radio is such a personal medium!!
@ all
Thanx so much for all the posts and the comments and the suggestions.
@People who have asked me how im doing
Doing great. :) couldnt be better!
@all the anonymous posts
Hey there.. maybe u'd like to ID yourself?
@all the negative anonymous posts dissing the station and everything else in life here 2 tips for u?
1.have the guts to identify urself.
happy commenting! :)
to all you anonymous creatures...
dont you all get it - All these radio stations that are existing and are going to exist just want to play good music. What an individual wants to listen too is totally upto their own choice. dont listen to it if u dont want too, its not like someone is putting a gun to u're head n is telling u to tune in...
@ Anjaan.
I like the way the programs are coming up in the station.
My suggestion / Request to Radio one is that to play some 80's kannada song.. Believe me its really nice to hear the same with beautiful lyrics.
I dont care about the other lang songs which is played as long as it is good. Hope regional language gets some precedence over the other.
@c'set la vie
The commenting styke itself tells u r an outsiders. :)
The anonymous comments clearly tells u that Regional language should take more importance.
I guess u have ignorance about the Rules which clearly states " For a Station to play, It should always give more importance to the regional language first."
Pity on your ignorance about the rules...
Incase u havent heard - "Ignorance is bliss" :):)
hail the new radio station! just tuned in..
@c'est la vie:
grow up.
Just a reminder for everyone posting in here. This is afterall my personal space, like a personal diary. Its a brilliant thing that this is turning out to be an active forum to discuss thoughts on Radio.
But I wont have people acting immature.
A warning to all anonymous blogger.
Have the guts to identify yourself or refrain from saying bad things about anybody..
@C'est La vi
U sound like a sweet thing :)
Thanx so much girl! :)
Tune into our retro show every night post 10pm with RJ yadu
good, kannada and hindi songs are alternatively, its really good, keep it up..
@ anonymous
Wow!! And aren't u really mature in your responses..You petty lesser mortal.
why don't these FM radio's play other genres of english music like classic rock, blues, death metal, jazz etc..instead they only seem to be interested in gay pop and bubblegum pop.
Blog surfed, and randomly found your blog. Again! So I'm leaving you ANOTHER comment. You ignored my last one.
I know you from a time where you had only two a's in your name. :)
I cant wait for Radio Indigo, i read somewhere that these guys have great taste in English Music...not crappy taste like Radio city and FM Rainbow.
After a long time its good to hear that Radio One is catering to the taste and needs of the loca kannadigas unlike Radio City and Mirchi, which are channels run by hindi fanatics trying to impose their filthy (mix of western) culture, and their sick language on to us.
But do play more kannada songs, there are plenty of varieties like folk songs, light music etc which cannot be found in any other indian language.
@ALL ANonymous Posts
I really dont know who's who now. Just a reminder that this is only a PERSONAL BLOG!!!! Not an official forum for any RADIO STATION
Hmmm .. A Douglas Adams' Fan Arent we?? hmm..
It'll take me eons to figure out who u are..
& thanx for dropping by! :)
@Bangalore FM RADIO
Thanx! :)
Hi Anjaan,
I am very very happy to listen to Kannada songs on 94.3. Please play more n more Kannada songs...After all, you guys are in Karnataka and do cater us what we want. I am really sick of other two FM stations how they impose Hindi on us..!! Infact, they do it in only our city. They play regional language music in Hyd and Chennai. I am quite pleased to listen to Kannada songs. You be the one atleast to respect our culture. Please play Kannada songs of 80's and 90's. Please...please reduce the number of Hindi songs you are playing..Its my humble request..!!
anjaan, post something new.
@Bangalore fm radio
Nice poll booth u got there buddy. but u dont seem to have any voters. lol.
Thanx for the compliment. Im assuming u havent heard me on air on ALL india Radio. lol
Thanx anyways
Whatever u say buddy. Ur the boss!
Yup, its time isnt it? Lol. Im so amused at all these anonymous bloggers thinking this is a public community to voice their opinions. Lol. Im still revoring from shock. Will post soon.. hehe
its nice to see that you respond to ppl who write comments...but how about a blog now??? Busy still???
@Bangalore FM Radio
Well then start telling ur friends. Lol.
& My main job here is "Programming Manager". The RJ'ing is an extra Perk.
We launched officially on August 1st. Yup Ive been slightly busy since then. How're things with u? Hows the band?
been tuning in!
change in blog url!
Wow! That's a cool job you have. Is this the same channel that is on 92.5 in Mumbai. I am pretty irritated with they because were really good and used to play a mix of Hindi and English and now they've become only Hindi like all the other. Even my fave RJs - Jaggu and Taraana - don't sound all that good with their translated jokes...
Hey Anjaan!! How are you doing??
Anyways great going with Radio One..
Vary Vary Gud! But y yu keep changing ur blog url??? hmm?
Yeah, we're the same company. Radio ONe in bombay and Radio One in bangalore. lol. du-uh
Thanx for dropping by anyways! :)
Doing fine buddy...
Thanx for the compliments.
Its time I got another blog eh?
so how to become a radio jockey .. i am serious ..please reply
wow!!!!! Good luck for EVERYTHING
I can't wait to hear it! xx -Mimi
ok, you've been tagged
Those arent my clothes...unfortunately I havent merc any of my designs yet but when I do I shall definately post them. Hope you had a great weekend. ciao xx -MIMI p.s. i always post captions of where the clothes are from
Definately man.. he he he proper one!
I used to RJ.. "once upon a time" and now you've made me miss those days... lol
How do i reply to you unless you tell me who you are. Lol
Hey thanx so much! :)
And keep dropping in!
Nevertheless you Have a great Eye for Fashion! *smile*
@ramya (freespirit)
NO NO no no no!!!!! *sigh*
(grins at his futile attempt at denying a tag)
Yeah! FULl on
@Perspective Inc.
Where and when did u RJ? Get back into it. There's a plethora of oppurtunity. There's 100 new stations coming up and hazaar job vacancies!
U R TAGGED buddy..give urself a break..hehe
thanks for stopping by my blog :)
its my first time here and will be reading up on all the old posts, also, i changed my url to
any chance i get to read something new here ??? Enjoying the airwaves yet ?? ;-)
Firstly, we request Anjaan to take constructive criticism, because he is not the sole authority on deciding which is the best radio format! Secondly, after 1 month of Radio One launching, this is what the general public has to say:
1) The RJs are very run-of-the-mill kinds, and lack any creativity. Desperate need to change them! Especially Anjaan's couple of shows were a disaster and an insult to Kannadigas.
2) Very repetitive songs. Kank, Golmaal and Omkara are played every hour!
3) Pathetic promos and jingles. Dont they have one creative guy in the entire station?
4) Very poor audio consistency between the jingles and songs. Makes it very similar to All India Radio.
5) They say they play only 'hit' songs. But what is a 'hit'? Something that has done well on the charts due to CD sales, rate of change of sales and requests. How then can u play a song the day it is released and call it a 'hit' just because it may sound good? For that matter, there are so many songs that sound good, that havent necessarily become 'hits'. Guess Radio One has messed up the concept badly there.
Positive feedback: I've heard people say it reaches farther than the other stations.
And yeah Anjaan, more pressing than the issue of anonymity here, are the issues with your station. U'd rather bother more about them.
hi guys,
this is what i listen to.
7-11 Radio one. (Switch to Radio City sometimes)
11-3 Radio City.( I dont change the frequency at this time. 91 plays some great music and rjs bala and nanda are good at this time. other channels suck at this time)
3-6 Dont listen. But sometimes Radio One
6-9. Both Radio one and Radio city. But mostly Radio one. sunaina has become boring.
9-12.. Mostly radio one. very good retro kannada/hindi songs. I listen to Radio city for that rj malavika's voice.. And some times mirchi if the song is good. (this is the only time i consider listening to mirchi)
Hi! very nice blog... extremely well written. Well, i got all my snwers, lol thanks! And yeah, all the best, looks like you're gonna need it. Break a leg!
"The secret of getting ahead is the secret of getting started"
so so true!
thats where most of them get hit!
@ anonymous
Wow!Now u are a true fan coz u have been listening to Radio One so intently that u can pin point flaws in almost every area.
Do us all a favour,why dont u join the station and revamp it and put ure grey cells to some good use,then let's see what u can come up with??
I should no? I will! I pwomise! hehe
Thats a sweet thing to do. So ahve u managed to read up?
Sigh. The irony of Life. TIme to do all. Time to do nothing.
new post coming up soon.
Whoever you are.. its time u wake up and realise that..
On my Blog! IM sole authority for deciding whatever I want lol.
And even to give critisim, one needs credentials, rasta-critics are aplenty in todays world.
Now I have retorts to all yours points.. "very well observed and jotted down" I must admit, but i also realise it stems from an inherant lack of knowledge of how the business operates.
So i'd rather not stoop down and waste my time answering all your doubts. Some day over coffee maybe!
And FYI ur critisism gets more validity when you have the Ba**S to identify yourself! SO there!
Buddy. This is a private blog. So i guess u've mistaken this place for a public opinion forum of who likes what. Lol.
But thanx for dropping by
Thanx so much *hug hug*
@White Forest
Yessir. I completely agree with u!
@c'est la vie
A true fan arent u? :)
my oh my! this is your 119th comment. will you update soon?
has your blog died?
heard u're in GOA havinga WHALE ofa time... u lucky beach BUM ;)
This is ganesh RADIO ONE you rock .I was so happy to listen to Kannada songs at RADIO ONE becoz i was fed up of listening to hindi-hindi-hindi.I was so upset about it becoz ppl were not even bothered to know what kannada is.
I would like to thank every body who helped in the succes of RADIO ONE >please keep going
Anjaan...where you? hope you post soon.
I wish I cud tune into it...but we dont receive fm 's in our city..:(
Hi there Anjaan....just wanted to check if u were the one who commented on my blog (regd AOL)? Pls lemme know! Thnx & have a good day!
"neeenu yelliruve.. manava kaaduva anjaanane".. He he he.. is this the end of this blog???????? if yes, then in true hindi film ishtyle.. NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIII
To all!
A promise of my blog bouncing back soon!! [:P]
And yes. the previous post was me!
y'know what.... apparently the limca book of records has a category for indian blogging records.
maybe you can enter this post for "post with most comments"
im not too sure of this, do check it out. this'll be a sure contender... 129 comments and counting.
Whatever u say Ma'am! :)
Hi Pavitra /Pallavi this is Nitin one of the most lovely listener of radio one first of all i want to thank Pavitra cause on the 15 th jan she helped me to meet me to my unseen friend Ruth we were friends from last 6 months but had not seen each other by that Maskaaa game you helped to meet her thanks alot plz give reply me after getting this comment my e mail id
Try which i use to listen to indian FM Radios in Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Oriya....
hi!!! i am sashank,,from hyderabad...can i know when can we hyderabadies enjoy listening to radio one???????
i wanna join radio one as an rj so how can i do tat can u pls tell me plssssssssssss
hey big A!!this is small a!!i love ur show its become a part of my day really!!!!!!im a student n imy lifes ambitio is to be an rj or join defence but im not ready for defence yet so PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEE tel me how i can be an rj??i no its not ez but ill try my best!!
Try to listen to Kannada FM Radio Online
Respected sir please please please please we want radio one 94.3 fm at Metro city ALLAHABAD.LEASE LEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE kindly launch RADIO ONE 94.3 FM AT METRO CITY ALLAHABAD
lease please please we want radio one 94.3 fm at metro city ALLAHABAD. please please please kindly accept my request and please please please please kindly launch radio one 94 .3 fm at ALLAHABAD.
DEar Radio one 94.3 fm please please please kindly Launch at METRO CITY ALLAHABAD U.P.
Radio one fm should be at Metro city ALLAHABAD.Please kindly accept our Request as soon as possible.Thankyou
please please please kindly launch radio one94.3 fm at Metro city ALLAHABAD
dear radio one 94.3 fm at Metro city ALLAHABAD
please kindly launch rocking Radio one 94.3 fm at METRO CITY ALLAHABAD ALSO.
Dear RockingRadiuo one94.3 fm at Metro city ALLAHABAD
pleasee please please kindly launch Radio one 94.3 fm at Metro city ALLAHABAD
please kindly we want radio one at meto city ALLAHABAD
We wanna rocking radio one94.3 fm at Rocking place at ALLAHABAD.
We wanna rocing 94.3 fm at Rocking place ALLAHABAD.
we wanna radio one 94.3 fm at rocking place ALLAHABAD.
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