For a lot of people football means coming together as a family or a group of friends and watching the game on TV. For some its a game played outside in the summers. Some people I know are fanatical about the game. Some friends of mine even take leave from work.
I'll Never Understand this fascination! :)
Any sport commercialised thus repels me. I guess in a way I'm being la-de-da and old school. But football .. (or should I call it Soccer)... today isnt football anymore!! Its shoes, beer brands, supermodels, shaving blades, burger joints and credit cards. I agree its not as commercialised as cricket.. or Religion for that matter, but the thrill of watching 2 teams battle it out flies away with the wind near the goalpost when you realise the amount of people(read brands) profiting from you watching that 1 game!
I do have one vivid memory of the World Cup from 2002 when Brazil beat Germany. It was a great game. But I dont think Im gonna be that excited this year, when brazil wins the world cup. *wink*
The whole world seems to be going completely nuts about this game. Statistics say everyone is gonna be watching the matches. Newspapers have nothing else to write about. Television channels are belting football news. Even the tv at the barber shop will only play football. Sigh.
Anyways, Namma Bangalooru isnt any less when it comes to innovative ideas to promote the game.. (or a show brand?) Take a look at some photogtraphs I got of my XDA-II this morning. This car was parked on Brigade road outside the Nike showroom.
I thought the idea was brilliant and the execution fantastic. A real treat for sour eyes.
Tell me what u think!

If your in Bangalore, make sure you go take a look. Its bound to be there for a few more days. And happy football (read brand) watching.
Don't EVEN get me started on commercialising sport....aaaGHH!!
I don't wantch any :P
Anyways nice picture.
Soccer ain't half as commercial as NBA basketball..
@La Vida Loca
I completely empathise with ur disgust. Thanx for dropping by.
Given that all sports are commercialised, I think in India cricket tops the list.
But world over, Soccer takes the cake!
atleast while watching soccer, you dont have ads popping up every five minutes. for that sole reason, i wish the overs were longer in cricket.
India is a fu**in poor country where 11 mother f***ers or maybe 14 make hefty sums of money by promoting colored poisonous water ( read pepsi or coke) while the poor rot to death without even clean drinking water to drink.
Football is comparitively much better off than cricket, considering the fact that it is played by mostly rich countries where its people are taken care off. When u have the wealth, why not football. But when ure rotting to death, why the f***k do we need cricket ???
forgot to mention my name in the previuos post : Malchop.
I love all kinds of sports...Keeps me entertained and brings out the competitiveness in me...
But I am not sure if I am too much for BRAND names taking advantage...but again if it were not for those Brand-name sponsors we wouldn't have anything to watch.
No Sachin...No Dravid...No Beckham!
And that photo!!! is real funny!!!!
And Seashells...GO MAVS GO!
Madness..... Havent slept since WC2006 started.. But its fun...
And ya isint that your car????
I agree with you. But Football has more spends from sponsors than cricket, irrespective of the ad spread.
The cup can either be half full, or half empty. Its all a matter of perception.
I see India as a VERY RICH Country. In fact over the last couple of years, the poverty line has steadily been dropping.
Even though I agree with you that cricket is a complete waste of money, and personally I Dont consume any aerated colas, I dont agree that India is in such a pathetic state like you describe it to be!
And countries like paraguay, and venezuela have huge economic problems and masses below the poverty line. The United states themselves are in a 3 Trillion World debt. Is that what you call wealthy? lol
Thanx for dropping by. :)
A Mavericks Fan eh? lol
I completely agree with what u say. No money no game. Ur a sweetheart! :)
Lol. How I wish. I bet Nike paid a substantial amount to get that cielo out of the dumps.
Get some shut-eye yo!
Sleep and me are enemies apparently!! :) Anyways
JUst cause you posted this
Ahh...I Love football. :) And er...have a bone to pick with you if you insist Brazil is going to win. :)
Well, I have to say it is very innovative advertising on the part of Nike. Glad you took pics of it to share.
And..btw, Go Ballack and team ...go!!! :)
Brazil I understand.. But why France?
Did Ya know Mr M.B has his own blogspot.
Tsake a look
Hey!! never seen it before. :) Thanks a lot.
long time no see!
football fever can be appreciated if only for the simple reason it gives people something to be universally excited about :P
what i enjoy about it the most is the unifying factor- just like when there happens a cricket match b/w india and pakistan- everyone is on their toes and cricket is the slowest game on the planet ;)
atleast with football there is constant action.
:) the pics are pretty cool-
pls tell me when ur channel will go on air.
bored of listetning to radiocity.. and radiomirchi is not worth listening to.
Hello there.
I do believe sunday's are for lazy reading. :) Thank you for dropping by 'emptiness', as always.
I'm missing football fever in Bangalore. Ah. Nostalgia. Footie is excellent, I miss it muchly.
You can't escape commercialisation. EVERYTHING is fair game (pun intended). Yeah, the endorsements and the continual bombardment of random ads and the probability of subliminal messages, all get a little annoying- forget the crap. It's like salad dressing. Ignore it, and eat the good stuff. (Ok. LAME analogy, I admit.)
Who're you supporting, by the way?
Oh and since this has become an impromptu cheering spot,
WOOT! Germany for the Cup!!
Hi, first time on ur blog....nicely blogged...esp d subject u hv covered interesting...keep it up..
All d best
France cause of Henry!! GOD GOD GOD GOD!!
Actually didnt expect Argentina to do so well.. Rodriguez is brilliant..
Spain the usual Raul, Torres, Tormenting the opposition!!
dude, i didnt know u are a football fanatic!!! Et tu, brutus?
@ I hang like a star: I second that.:)
quills: hat tip for a fellow Deutschland supporter.
Unbelievable. Very interesting to know about such crazy things in the world.
Good to you see you back in my blog.
My pleasure! I always like pointing things out! *grin*
thanx for dropping by, hope everything is great with ya. Ur travelling now arent u?
Mid month july. :)
@the star
Not had time to follow the matches. But brazil seems to be high on the list of teams im supporting as of now.
Thanx so much for dropping. Do read the older posts too. :)
Slightly Confused arent we?
U really dint read my blog did ya? lol
It is a mad world isnt it?
@the Star / Quill
Ich khain Nikth Deutchland? lol
Spain Eliminated... Worst disaster ever..
France Cheats!! LOL...
oooh. France pull off another big upset. Heh.
Not as though Brazil were robbed though, they weren't exactly top notch last night. France were excellent, defended well and Henry and Zidane were as always, exceptional.
Brazil didn't exhibit their usual sparks. Sigh. C'est La Vie.
Heh, Germany for the cup! :D
@The star
I think Zidane rocks myself. France is defenitely gonna walk away with the cup this year.
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