Search Happy Hours

Friday, February 17, 2006


I finally Did IT! I asked Ammu to Marry me. I asked the woman of my dreams to join me in the journey of life.

The thing that every man fears. The move that every man dreads. The scariest (read happiest)thing a man has to ever do. (Thank God) The D-Day happened in my life too.

The date was the 12th of February.
I took her for a nice romantic candle light dinner, Just the two of us.. pre valentines date kinda thing. Meanwhile home was being set up for the most amazing night of our lives. (So far at least)
I wanted everything to be perfect for her! :)

The deed was done in a house filled with candlelight, on a bed of flowers. We had our song (dilko) playing in the background as soon as she entered the house. The perfect Setting.
Kneeled on one knee, Wearing a Tuxedo, I opened a red velvet box, which had a diaomond ring in it.
Sigh! I had to make sure she couldnt say NO!

And she said Yes!

Will update everybody on what our families think soon, But its been 5 days and Im outta of post proposal shock, so I decided I would blog the happiest incident of my life!

Special Thanx to Bhushan for the event organisation, Sandy, Munish and Aditi for the execution, Jaiveet for the strength, Hisham for the support and Sumeet for the Advice. Love you guys.

And Ammu.. U make my world go around! COngratulations Sweetie :)


Unknown said...

Hey, Congrats..

Unknown said...

Shubha, Thanx gurl! :)

freespirit said...

WoWoW!!!!!!!! So she finally made an honest man outta you. Congratulations pal! Darn...i've known you since you were a kid practically and now u are all grown up and about to walk down the aisle and all....*sob...sob* ( a very emotional moment as u can see...but happy neverthless!)

And for the record, the word verification here is 'sbwcimsh' and if i had to type that to post this, it shows how happy i am for u!

Unknown said...

Ramya, uve influenced my formative years in more ways that you would know. I met Aarthi thru you, and subsequently gowri, and loads of other people.

My opinion on women and of women has evolved over the years. And if today if AMmu has said yes its only because she knows that I respect her (read all womankind) and that im ready.

Thanx to you, and scores of other women who ive known and know! :) Hoorah for womankind!

And for veryfying that you aint a spammer and for going thru the word verification....Yes ill throw a party, whenever ur down! :)

Meghna said...


that was really really sweet

Unknown said...

hey Meghna, Thanx so much! Party on for you too! :)

RamnathK said...

hey dude! cool... congrats and wish you a lifetime of happiness in mutual discovery...

Unknown said...

Hey Karthik,
Thanx so much man!

We've spent the last three years and four months of Mutual Discovery. We know each other inside out. How we're going to keep it up for a lifetime god alone knows! :)

Unknown said...

Thanx so much Akhila. Welcome to blogosphere! Still have to give u the photos from Cairo eh? lol :)

kAy said...

how pefectly refreshing to know that there exist people who do not find this stuff cheesy or cliche` :)
everything sounds truly perfect.
congratulations to both of you!

thank you for dropping by in my space- ure comments are much appreciated but really, im no writer or professional photographer...just a girl in love with capturing the moment :)


Unknown said...

Hey Kay, thanx for dropping by here and the generous compliments! :)

Sometimes in the flurry of Life, We forget the importance of One moment! The world needs more girls like you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Great to hear that u're getting hitched..Finally!!!
Congrats to Ammu and you!! :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Spidster, Thanx for dropping BY. And thanx for the wishes.

And dude. Start Bloggin man! Also. Lets do Opus soon again! ;)

Sense's Lenses said...

Wow!!! this is great! Congratulations! Let me know when's the wedding day (hopefully, I shall be invited)- I promise to be the most enthu baraati!!!- with baby & Hubby in tow!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anjaan...feels weird calling u that..since known you for years....

CONGRATS buddy and to the cutie pie, Ammu..!!!
Very happy for you....
Rags loved you guys man...

Anonymous said...

Hey anjaan!!

Congrats!! .. somewhere over the years, we lost touch.. but am happy for you, and do keep me posted on the wedding date..

Cheers buddy! ..

Unknown said...

@ Rajni. Hahaha. Baaraati it seems. We do have a count the chickens before they hatch syndrome dont we! :) lol
But thenx sweeteee :)

@Shilpa. Hey we think Rags is complete fun to. I personally loved the Bengali (jishnu). lol
ANd i Know uve known me for more than a decade now, but from 2002 onwards my name is Anjaan. U HAVE to Call me that :)
kidding. call me anything u want baby! :)

@haren. DUDE!! where u been?? of course ill keep u posted yo. ur one of my Oldest PalS.. and Tallest! lol. U keep in touch doofus! :P

J said...

congratulations to you two,

it was nice to sort of talk to you during the show

look forward to reading your blogathon post

Unknown said...

@ Jasmeen,

Yup it was good to "almost", talk to you the other day. The troubles that "Radio Jocks" Have eh? lol

My blogathon post is here

Thanx for dropping by, and All the best with the Blank noise projecT!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Inspiring...

Anonymous said...

Thanx for dropping by!
And like i said, the credit of inspiration goes to AMmu!