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Friday, February 10, 2006

Dog (?) Tagged!

I have been tagged by Arun Katiyar.

The Rules of the game are:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. You need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.

My Tag answers are a slightly different set of 8 points than you'll find in any other tag.

The irony (irony seems to be my main writing device) is that I have already found the perfect woman. People who know me from a long time will vouch that ive had a steady trial and error phase in my life.
But for the last 3 years its been more or less this same girl whos been defining perfection for me. Every person has a wishlist they'd like in their partner. My partner defines my wishlist. This girl has now grown to the perfect woman. The qualities I write below belong to Her.
(Note. The word Perfect to be read as "Fits into my bill")

The Perfect Woman is...

1. Someone who will Love me for who I am. In a world filled with facades and illusions, the only thing real seems to be her love. Someone Who will love me till the world comes to an end. Who will love me for all I can be. Who will love me so much that it sometimes hurts her. She is someone who is ready to fight for our love, with her parents, with society, with the world, with her life.

2. Someone who is really Girly! I like opening doors, hailing cabs and pulling out chairs. Some people pooh pooh me as old school, but in my books a man without chivalry is no man at all!
My perfect woman Cries during soppy scenes at the movies, wears gurly skirts and sways around in them knowing that im looking, laughs at the drop of a hat, flutters her eyelashes ever so cutely, wears gurly jewellery and things with lace, satin, ribbons on them.
She also cuddles up into my arms when shes tired and lets me hold her when shes scared. She lets me grab her when I get back from work and lets me lead when we're crossing the road.
She can open the doors of life herself, But she lets me!!

3. Someone who likes the good things in Life. Like strawberries and cream, Long walks on MG Boulevard, Early morning cold showers, Sunsets in Goa, Old reruns of "Friends" on Star World, Dining out, Candlelit meals, Long Drives, talking to random animals (cows,dogs, horses, donkeys, auto drivers) on the road, Bebinca, hanging out with friends, jhonsons baby oil, hot bhutta on a cold bangalore evening and Pillow Fights!

4. Someone who has similar tastes as Me. My Perfect lover loves going to the same Movies, read the same articles in the paper, like the same nightclubs, same restaurtants, same people, same colors, Same beaches, Same roads for long drives, same eccentricities and same cartoons! She floods me with surprises and we're always competing for the next surprise!
We think alike. We even say the same things out at the same time. *jinx* She even feels for the same things that I feel for. For the underprivelegdged .For the Poor, the Needy, the Jobless, the Hungry. Shes as patriotic as I am. No Less NO more. Shes As stubborn as I am. She's my mirror. An ethereal better looking reflection.

5. Someone who is a complete entertainer. My perfect woman is animated and a treat to watch. She is funny and can makes people laugh and smile wherever she goes. She can sing, She can dance, She can hop skip and jump up and down. She has to be able to drive away my blues and make me smile whenever she feels like. She has her own lingo and has make sure I speak it too. My perfect woman plays hide and seek, peekaboo, ,monopoly, rummy, bluff and poker. IM also gonna teach her blackjack soon!

6. Someone who is Extremely Wantable. I might seem a little shallow with this post, but what the hey.. whos reading anyways! My perfect woman IS Very attractive. Her attractiveness and charm goes more than her good looks. Her entire personality is magnetic. Shes a heart breaker. The amount of men in her office, and her ex office and her ex ex ex workplace who have the hots for her are numerous and the figures are stagerring. She finds me very attractive too, so I can stop worrying about my pakoda nose and tanned skin!

7. Someone who is Communicative. My Perfect woman is a person I can sit and talk with for hours. She enjoys talking to me and listening to me as much as I enjoy talking and listening to her. She listens to me rant patiently, she rants with me. Communication being the business im in, is very important to me, And she can talk on anything under the sun, from Camels to Scud missisles. Sometimes I think She's the Radio Jockey in the Relationship!

8. Someone who My friends and Parents Love. The person that she is, its no surprise. She's pleasant to talk to, nice at heart and shes a great cook. (her only competition being my MOM and now ME) She sleeps with a smile and wakes up looking into my eyes and smiling. My friends adore her and my parents want to write their will in her name.

Besides all the above there are a million more points I can jot down abotu her , but tag rules Demand only 8, so Ill Stop!

Ammu. I love you! Thanx for Inspiring my tag answers!

Mostly Everyone else i know online has already been tagged, I wonder who these guys are gonna tag. But its going to be fun to sit back and watch! :)

The people I have tagged are
1. Divya - For her ever comical approach to life .
2. Rajni - For her Wild Opinions and Baby -Time Bloopers.
3. Shuba - For her love for Nittu and Tom.
4. Ashwin - For his out of this world warped philosophy. (Congrats on "unowat" Buddy)
5. Bruce - For all the chords and the notes.
6. Stacey - For her creativity and magnificant shutter speeds.
7. Quills - For the NIke AD!!!
8. My friend from Portland - For his Word skills.

Happy tagging!!!


Unknown said...

Im taggin people who have already been tagged sometime or the other.. Why . Just for the Fun of it! :)

Arun said...

Smeone who can make you say all this? I gotta meet Ammu :)

All the best -- and here's wishing that things stay that way.

Unknown said...

Dinner. You, Mrs Katiyar, Ammu and Me. Name the place and time and we'll be there! :)

Sense's Lenses said...

dude! knowing you, this lady must be out of this world! So glad you've found your soulmate. tough tag to match!

Unknown said...

@ sensorcaine. Your being very generous with your compliments nowadays! hmm. Flattery will get u Everywhere Sweetheart. Thanx anyways! :)
And Dont match NO TAG! I Bet you've got your very own unique tag points! :) Cant Wait!

Meghna said...

are you still with 101.3?

quills said...

Thanks for tagging me:)..but I have been tagged once already and with great effort managed to put a somewhat accurate description of qualities I would like in my perfect lover (Click here). Also congrats..for I see you have a lovely lady in your life and so would like to wish you both all the very best.

Unknown said...

@ Meghna. Hey thanx for Dropping by!
Yup yup yup im still with 101.3. Its seven long years that ive been on radio, and yes im still with the underdogs! And doing whatever I want! :)
Ill have to sell out soon.
Give me another 3-4months!
Do u tune in often?

@Quills . My lovely lady and me thank you from the bottom of our hearts! :)

Meghna said...

used to when i was in bangalore.. how goes it?

Anindita Sengupta said...

I am not doing it again! I refuse! I refuse!. :D (the tag I mean)

Thanks for dropping by. The people one runs into in the blogosphere! What are you up to these days?

Unknown said...

@Meghna.. Goes Great Gurl. In another 3-4 months, there's be 5 more players in the Bangalore market. Thats when life will get interesting! :)

@Anandita. Yup Yup Yup. Imagine how surprised I was when I found yu and Adit on blogosphere.

What am I upto these days??
As little as possible!!