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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Bouncing Back!

What do we (as humans) do the best? We Bounce Back! Whether its the heart wrenching trauma of shootouts, civilian deaths, terrorism and bomb blasts or not having blogged for a long time, we bounce back. Its the nature of human beings to bounce back. Resilience seems to be our biggest asset. And hope our best friend!

Just like the mythical phoenix with its tail of beautiful gold and red! The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death.

Maybe I should rechristen my blog as the "phoenix". Cuz this is something I relentless keep coming back to, but sometimes forget to stick on! But this time its more necessity driven than anything else. I have this deep seated urge to start writing. And this want to be start being read. what better way than to publish my thoughts online.

What better time to kick off this blog than when my first 750 Word opinion was published in the local daily. Its a piece on what I thought of the recent Anoushka Shankar - Jethro Tull Concert in Bangalore

Ive also been kicked out of the worlds Biggest Social networking utility - Face book. And that too Thrice!! :):) 3 Months ago they kicked me out telling me I had too many unanswered friendship & application requests. 1 month ago their reason was that I had too many incoming and outgoing mail traffic.And this time their reason is that I cant have a proxy name (RJ). They wanted government verification to prove my name is Anjaan! Sheesh!

Apparently Lindsay Lohan was kicked out of Face book too.. So I guess I'm in Elite Company *grin* I'm sure she'll be back on Facebook soon too!

The human spirit is remarkably resilient. We fall down--or get knocked down--yet somehow we manage to bounce back. Sometimes its easy - Like blogging. But other times it can be hard. Either ways I'm back... and this time I'm definitely Bouncing!! :-) :-)