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Monday, August 23, 2010

Isnt it Ironic?

Ive always known we Live in an Ironic World. In fact Irony is so beautiful it seems so natural and contrary to all sense! In fact Life itself has a Supreme Irony - We never really get out of it Alive! *grin*. If you look properly you can find Irony everywhere! But Truly the aim of life is to stop thinking and start feeling right?

Here are some ironic thoughts for you to chew on.

Isnt it ironic that - we live in a Country where

  • A pizza reaches home faster than the Ambulance the Police
  • One can get a car loan at 5% but an education loan costs 12%
  • Rice costs Rs.30 but a Sim card - is FREE
  • Footwear (for our feet) are sold in AC showrooms but vegetables (that we eat) are sold on the footpath
  • We make lemon juice with artificial flavors and dish wash with pure lemon
  • Bizzare Amounts spent on one sporting event (ref CWG) - when more than 40% of the nation is starving and under the poverty line.
Look around! You will find Irony everywhere! :)